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wut u boys think? (girls too)

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hei..me n my bf started holding hands already...but i wanna do abit more than dat... everytime when i see him or when im cold, i feel like hugging his arm/hugging him. but i dont dare 2 do it....... . .. do u think i shld just go hug him or i mean, his arm...? im scared he thinks im irritating!!! do u guys think it's irritating when ur gf does such thing?

i dont knw!!!!!!!!! i juz wanna hug him. ps: HIS ARM.lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... n im planning 2 hug his arm n put myy head on his shoulder ( i bet ill b so comfi when i do dat in d cenima!)........ne advice? !!!!!!!!!!! ANYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! tq tq tq tq tq tq tqqqqqqqqqq

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*smiles* Hello and welcome to enotalone, hopefully we can help.


I take it that this is your first relationship? Well you obviously like this guy a lot and all I would say is follow your gut instinct. If you are with friends and he is having fun with them, then maybe that is not the time to hug and hold him. But when he is walking you home alone, and you are holding hands, just give him a little hug. Don't say anything just do it and then let go and see what his reaction is.


If he looks nervous then leave it for a little while before you do that again, but if he has not expression on his face, then hold his arm again...but for longer..



Otherwise, when things feel right you will find that you will just do stuff that feels good to do.


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I'm with pimpcess and sabena! He probably wants to hug you but is feeling the same way you are!!! Just some day when you're saying goodbye after a date hug him while you say bye. He'll most likely be pleasantly surprised. We have to understand that underneath it all, guys are just shy and insecure like us! Just go for it and see what happens. He's not going to be upset with you for hugging him. Good luck!

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Yea, I say just do it! I know what you mean, you just wanna hug his comfty arms, you know it will make you feel good and loved and yea...i gotcha! Go for it, he probably wants you to, but he's not going to ask you "can you hug my arm?" that would sound dumb on his part. So just do it.


He's probably nervous about making first moves too, so just break the ice with this one.

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