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I love him, he loves me, but I dont get it today

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Hey again everyone

I have a problem that is probably just in my mind, but I can't stop thinking about it.

I just finished talking to my bf in MSN, and we kinda had a little fight, but then we just stopped and talked normally.

Ok usually if we have a good and interesting talk on MSN, he wishes me sweet dreams, and says thathe loves me, but when we dont have an interesting talk, he usually just says "sweet dreams", and that's what happened now, but then he returned and said that he loved me, but I know that he's still online, because I can still see his nickname in one of forums.

Ok I feel terrible because I was the reason to start this little fight, but I still feel very bad, even though he says everthing's fine, I can feel that it's not.

So am I overreacting? Or guys always like that? I mean when he makes me mad, I dont want to say that I love him neither.

Tell me somebody, is it ok, he'd just in a bad mood or what?

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I know how you feel, sounds like your boyfriend is like mine. After a fight I usually still dwell on it and feel bad but he gets over it pretty quick and thinks it's just something stupid later on. He's probably just in a bad mood, I dont always say I love you after a fight but he knows I still love him, it's just anger gets in the way sometimes. I think you should just stop worrying about it, and that everything will clear up. I hope I made sense, I'm not making much sense tonight.

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hey ! its cool. My bf used to do that to me a lot. Id be soo oversensitive about what happened.. And he'd be spending a 16th of that energy thinking about what just went on.. I find guys to get very moody sometimes and just want to not go into things in detail..just kinda say thigns are cool and not worry anymore into it.. Where we have to make sure its ok.. I do it all the time, and its usually bad. And bad for me bc i drive myself crazy. Dont worry though. DOnt think about it. U 2 are fine, trust me. IF hes on, just ignore that and take it us him being in a bad mood. He probably just wants to stay away for the rest of the night bc he doesnt want anything to get worse. Just relax and dont sweat it. Its fine.

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I know that he loves me and tomorrow everything will be like today didn't happen. But I want to tell him something that will make him smile, and REALLY forget about today.....and love me and kiss me with online lips, that feel like real......well, I dont really know how to discribe it, but you probably know what I mean...

So pls help...what do i say?

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