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I think he likes me..but im not sure?!

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hi! My name is Crystal,Im 22 And I have been crushing on this guy,(19)for a couple weeks. I used to work with him,until I quit. And he comes over to my place to play cards with one of my roomates,paul. He hangs out here alot. Well...I didnt like him before like that..then one night..i had a dream about him..then woke up.. I was like wow. So i went out to the kitchen to get a glass of water,and he was here,playing cards. So i went back to bed..and as soon as I fell asleep..I had another dream about him. When I woke up the next day.. I couldnt stop thinking about him.Now i have a huge crush on him. I finally told him the other day.He kinda chuckled like he knew..but surprised i told him. That night he fell asleep on the living room floor..I went to cover him up and give him a blanket,so I kneeled down beside him,he put his hand on my leg..like to say dont go anywhere. So i didnt..we ended up cuddling the whole night. It was awesome. he held me in his arms and it felt so nice. My roomate was excited for me. The next day he went to work that morning. When we got off work...he came over to my house..but nothing happened. He left and came back later that night.. and still..nothing happened. when he left this morning..he didnt say goodbye to me. Then he came to pick paul up for work today...and didnt say anything to me. I took him his phone charger to work..and I asked him was everything ok..and he just kinda talked about the phone charger and ignored my question. I really like this guy..hes awesome. I want to talk to him,but i dont want to scare him away.And I definatly dont want to ruin our friendship. Could he just be scared?? Should I talk to him about it?? What should I say?? I dont want to lose somehting that could turn out Great. And I dont want to say the wrong thing. I know hes not a player or trying to hurt me,he seems worried about me most of the time..and always there to take care of me..but does he like me?? WHAT SHOULD I DO???? im so confused.

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I'm 30 and in a similiar situation, I'm falling in love with a friend and I'm not sure how he feels. My situation is a lot more complicated than yours, but I didn't realize how I felt about this guy until I dreamed about him-3x. Now looking back, I think he was throwing hints and I wasn't catching on. He asked me out for coffee-we talked about my current bf, then us. He e-mails me back everytime, I can't stop thinking about him!!!! But, my advice for you, my friend seems to think when they get close, then draw back, they are definitely scared. Don't pressure him, keep a slight distance, but let him know you're there for him as a friend-until he states he wants more. Don't play games, like letting him see you with other men, because he may be standing back and evaluating you-testing you to see what kind of girl you are & if you're worth getting serious about. He'll eventually say something.

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  • 1 month later...

I want to reply to the original poster simply based upon the fact that she said that she had dreamed about him. I have learned over the years that the dream of someone special indicates an underlying current of attraction on the part of the other party, especially if you had not considered this person as a potential lover before that. Your intuitiveness and subconscious are picking these signals up throughout the day without your ever being aware of it, and in our dreams, where our subconscious minds work overtime, it truly comes to light and we awake surprised at ourselves for having dreamt of someone we had never thought about before.


I had a very similar experience. It turned out later that he was attracted to me. Previous to this however, I had obviously subconsciously detected it and thereforeeeeeee had a lightly sensual dream about him. When recounting the dream without telling who it was about, a co-worker filled in the missing name, much to my astonishment. She then told me that it was something she could see between us.


By this time I hope you have worked out your situation with this fella or at least moved on to another equally attractive but less shy man. Some men are very afraid not to be the initiators of a relationship, (perhaps they have been hurt by aggressive women or have other conflicts about themselves as men) while others love it. He sounds like the former, and not the latter. Those men need much more time to come around and make the moves needed to get things rolling. Patience is always the key. I applaud your willingness to share your feelings about him with him though. If you want it, I say "go out there and get it, don't wait for it to come to you!"

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