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  1. I want to reply to the original poster simply based upon the fact that she said that she had dreamed about him. I have learned over the years that the dream of someone special indicates an underlying current of attraction on the part of the other party, especially if you had not considered this person as a potential lover before that. Your intuitiveness and subconscious are picking these signals up throughout the day without your ever being aware of it, and in our dreams, where our subconscious minds work overtime, it truly comes to light and we awake surprised at ourselves for having dreamt of someone we had never thought about before. I had a very similar experience. It turned out later that he was attracted to me. Previous to this however, I had obviously subconsciously detected it and thereforeeeeeee had a lightly sensual dream about him. When recounting the dream without telling who it was about, a co-worker filled in the missing name, much to my astonishment. She then told me that it was something she could see between us. By this time I hope you have worked out your situation with this fella or at least moved on to another equally attractive but less shy man. Some men are very afraid not to be the initiators of a relationship, (perhaps they have been hurt by aggressive women or have other conflicts about themselves as men) while others love it. He sounds like the former, and not the latter. Those men need much more time to come around and make the moves needed to get things rolling. Patience is always the key. I applaud your willingness to share your feelings about him with him though. If you want it, I say "go out there and get it, don't wait for it to come to you!"
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