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Me and my girl just got back together after 4 months apart, but she was leaving for school/work down south and were in a LDR, we only had 2 weeks of getting back together times before she left and I wondered what can I do to keep things from going stale while were apart?



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Both of you could install a webcam, headphone, and speaker so that both of you could see and hear each other. You could show her your daily life routine. Show her your room, house and etc. Leave your webcam and speaker on, even though you are not around. May be you could let her interact with your family members also. (Provided that they are supportive of this relationship) This would let her get to know you better and your family members would be more accepting of her.


You could send her small little gifts nothing expensive to her, write her some letters.


Both of you could watch the same movies at the same time, just like watch a movie together. You buy 2 copies of the same movie and send her one and both of you watch together. Later, both of you could discuss about the movies.


Just my 2 cents.

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Get a digital camera and take lots of pictures of the things you do and the places you go.


Find ways to spend time together online - just talking all the time is great, but it gets hard after awhile. Go on "dates" to interesting internet sites (personality tests, youtube, message boards). Watch the same thing on TV or rent the same movie. If your TV is in the same room as your computer, leave the webcam on so you can see each other watch at the same time. You can "talk" a bit during the movie if you usually do that in real. If not, meet up afterwards and talk.


Keep up the romance and flirting! You could talk about what you wish you could do to each other (can get sexy and it bonds you a bit because you know the other feels the same). Its also a good source of ideas when you're actually together Send little gifts often. They don't have to be extravagent, but when you're apart, it really helps to have something to hold close. Some ideas:


Jewelry (necklace or ring)

Your Tshirt - used so she can smell you

Cute cards or love/mush letters

Pick up little odds and ends that remind you of her


These will tell her that she's on your mind and she'll probably delight to have something that says "you" when you're apart.

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