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I just want this year to end!

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Im 17 and im in my last year of high school and its almost the end of 3rd term soo i have a little of 4th term and exams to go.. basically due to all of my mates gradually getting partners my weekends have become very dull cause nowdays if i want any sort of interaction i pretty much have to be a third party.. which is ok some of the time but its just become soo tiring and i just never have anything to do on the weekends. Im hating school, and although im fairly sure il pass just fine its just soo unsatisfying because none of it really has anything to do with the stuff i care about or going to be using next year when i enter university. I just feel dead there is no joy in my life anymore i dont know what i used to do but somthing has changed.. I know that next y ear is going to be great.. but it just feels like its never going to come. It just feels like one wave of depression after the other. I dont really know what this is for im just venting really. But if youv been in this situation some reassurance would be great.


Thanks for listening, apreciated.



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Hey, I felt this way my graduating year as well. You've just got to hang in there and count off the days. Next year will be great, and you've just got to ride out the current one.


Have you looked into a weekend hobby you're interested in to keep you entertained? Exercise club or something? Sheep herding, maybe? (Sorry... Aussie/Kiwi humour blagh...)

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