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Im 17, Shes 15

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I recently met this girl that goes to my school. She is a freshmen, while I am a junior. I personally dont really have a problem with it, but It seems like it will be hard to get around what everyone thinks about it. I know it dosent matter in the end what people think, but I cant help it, it still bothers me no matter what.

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That's your answer to everything, KTS... =P


People will think things - some might even say things - but all you can do is deal with it. After all, what they're saying because they're too narrow minded to accept the relationship doesn't really matter, does it?


I forget, what's the age of majority in America?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I dated a sophomore when I was a senior, a lot of my friends gave me a lot of huff over it. I just sucked it up and went with it. The relationship went well, until I got old with it.


High school is a hard time in our lives and people have a lot of say in our judgement, do what makes you happy. Other people have nothing to do with your happiness in the end.

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