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Worried about friends reactions - HELP

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Hello, well I just got back with my ex who really really hurt me when we split up for about 2.5 weeks. My friends all rallied round me and boosted by confidence and self esteem and just basically loved me for who I am.


The thing is I am now getting back with my ex and I am actually scared of telling these people that I am back with him. I have told a couple who understand me really well and they are happy, but a couple of friends, took my hurt really badly and were angry at my ex for hurting me so. I am scared of telling them and my parents.


So how do I do it, or rather how do I cope with telling them and having them tell me they don't agree? This is beginning to get to me more than the initial break up did!

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If they are truly your friends, and even if they disagree with you, it will not change the friendship. The only scenario I can see them being very upset with you would be if you were walking back to an abusive relationship, and that would be out of concern for your well being. You said nothing about any abuse, so I am taking it that their is none, so I think your friends will be able to handle your getting back with your bf. I also think that most people understand the grieving process of a break up, and that part of that process is anger and resentment, during which we may bad talk our ex's to friends and family, and they continue to be their for support


I think you should just be open and honest with your friends, and if they disagree, just hear them out, be fair to them and they will be fair to you. Just remember that your only commitment is to make your own self happy, that is all you can do.


Hope my rambling makes sense and maybe even helps...

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I got back with my ex 2 weeks ago, and I haven't told my parents yet or anything, but my friends know. They're all cool with it, and some of them understand me well also, but when I told a certain friend she got really mad. After a while I talked with her and she wasn't mad anymore..so I suggest you tell your friends or anyone you can trust that will not freak out right away at this sort of thing, and even if they do listen to them, and explain the answers to their questions.


I don't know if it helps...but good luck, and no worries.

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Just bring up your ex in your next conversation around your parents and see how they react tell them that he is trying to get back together with you.


see what they say.


I am afraid to tell my parent about my ex too, b/c he wants to marry me.


I am not ready for that right now so, I do not know what to do.

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