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moody guys?

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Hey... Wat is up with guys and their mood swings?


Ok i was online just now minding my own business. When my ex bf ims me...And he has been iming like every time he sees me online within mintues. Our conversations have been sweet, and long, and funny..


But tonight he ims me..And he was being different.. Not his usual self.. Keep in mind this is just online. But he is always funny and talks a lot, and we have good conversations. Well he had work this morning, and last nite i kept him up a litle later talking. And he had taken a nap all afternoon. He came online because he couldnt fall asleep, and he has work tomorrow at 7 am..which is in 6 hrs. So he said he wanted to talk to me but just wasnt with it. He was taking a longer time to im me back...And wasnt saying much. And then he started joking around with me, but being dumb saying that this wasn't him and i didnt know he was joking so i started to get pissed..Then i said i was gona go cause i was mad..And he said sorry im gona go watch a movie ..And i said- well dont u care that im mad and he said yea but i gota try to sleep...and he said he was just joking around..And it was soo stupid- I jsut told him that from my end it looked like he was being a jerk and i thought i did something. I d ont care if he jokes, but i cant tell online..And since he wasnt his usual self it was so weird to me. He was kind of being an ass.

..And then i told him i missed him and that was why i cared..And he said he missed me too..But was gonna go...And it was just so abrupt. I even tried to make the air okay, and talk about something stupid and he jsut was shrot with it and said he wanted to watcha movive and sleep..


So whats up with that?? LAtely we've been having such great convos. And hes been sweet, and really wanting me back.. And i was trying to play it cool and not wanting to lose my edge. In a guys head, was this really a big deal?? I kno its stupid, but he was just not normal tongiht. And i wanted to kno wat was up with that and if i lost any of the interest i had gained from him... Do you think he was annoyed by me or is and thats why he just left ? Or was he just in one of those moods...? Is it normal for a 20 yr old guy to get like that? It seemed like he jsut didnt wanna deal with any more conversation. He said he was gona go because he was being a jerk, like instead of jsut not being a jerk he was goin go lay down and jsut didnt wanna stay-it was 1am...Am i to take this personally guys? Did i ruin any of his interest in me? Or do u think its all very stupid and he will just forget it---doesnt htink its a big deal at all and will proabbly jsut talk to me normally tom? I jsut wanna make sure i didnt do any damage and push him away.


P.s.- im dumb!!!

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What happened between you and him can be any number of things, it could be simply as he said he just wanted to bum out in front of the tube, and fall asleep with the TV, or it could be he had company that he didnt want to tell you about. he may have been doing something else online, who knows. he may have been stoned.


I m not familiar with your history with him, are you looking to make up with him? or get him back or something? the fact that your even chatting with your ex is a good sign, but dont expect him to act like a commited boyfriend when he is just an Ex.


and yes guys, like gals, all have mood swings, anyone that is peppy all the time 24/7 is probably on meds

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oK.. well he def didnt have any company,, and he wasnt high- he cant smoke at home. Usually, i have habit of taking things to personally.. And its stupid i know but when speak onlne..things get easily misinterpretated. See with my ex, sometimes he jsut doesnt feel like dealing with anything, and has a short fuse and wants to just leave..So i take it as this insult and think its because of me..and if i dont jsut say gbye to him, and say just one mor ething, or ask a question he gets annoyed adn jsut says he is going.


Now, we have been broken up for a year.. Fooling around on and of for another year.. he basically has been soo damn indecsive and wishy washy about what he wanted with me.. So my head is all messed up, thereforeeeee im scared that whatevr i do, big or small will mess something up because of our history- adn basically his short fuse. Recently though we have spoken a lot, and have had real good convos. He said taht he has figured a lot out and reaalized that soemthing never died between us- and he wants me..and he had some persoanlly things that stopped him from wanting a gf..but now things are better. I can tell he really cares, adn he even said i was one of his closest friends. Just yestrday we spoke twice in one day. Things just have been good-- but almost better then good bc he has been so eager to speak to me.. Always talking to me . we go to the same skool , and we will be back there at the end of the month. THroughout the last 3 months of summer we havent seen eahc other bc we are about 4 hrs away, but he has invited me a few times. BAsically i jsut need to know whether i ruined anything that was developing btwn me and my ex? id unt want to have annoyed him or anything- and he jsut wanted to sleep, he said we r cool.. BUt again my mind is soo messed up from evrything, i just get worried that i was too annoying. Online sucks when you are trying to tell how a person feels... Am i ultimately jsut to take this as something very small ? and soemthing that he probably wont remember toomorrow? Just not in a talkative mood, nothing personal? Didnt lose my edge? what should i do to further gain his interest?

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