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Just another update...

Ians Mommy

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Only 7 weeks left to go. I'm 33 weeks today. I can't believe how fast time is going now. I've only gained 16 lbs. but my doctor insists that both me and my son are completely healthy and that he is a good size and there's nothing to be worried about.


I go back to school on September 8th for my Junior/Senior year. I switched to the alternative school in my town and I'm taking two years in one and graduating a year early. I'll go to school up until 2 weeks before I'm due. After he is born, I can take up to 8 weeks time out of school and I'll have a tutor come to my house 3 times a week so I don't fall behind and can still complete my classes.


I'm actually still working at the Diner. I was going to start working with my dad Dispatching for a trucking company but things didn't go through right and he hired someone else. I was mad but oh well. I'm down to working 3 days a week, 4 hours on Tuesday and Thursdays and 6 hours on Sunday. My doctor has already said that if things keep going the way they are, I can work for another 4 or 5 weeks as long as I'm not lifting anything over 20 lbs and no more than 3 days a week.


Ian keeps getting more and more excited about the baby. Every night before we go to bed, he always talks to the baby and whenever I wake up at night, his hand is always protectively on my tummy. I had a scare yesterday big time though. Ian had already gone to work and when I woke up, I was laying on my stomach. First I called Ian and he came straight home and we called my doctor for an emergency appointment. I went straight to the doctor and she examined me and did an ultrasound. Luckily, everything was fine so we were both REALLY relieved.


As of right now, Ian is working 3 jobs. He goes right from one job to another and we don't really spend too much time together other than at night. He usually doesn't get home until around 2 AM and he leaves at 7 AM. The only good thing is that he made it so that he has off from all 3 jobs on Saturday so we get to spend the entire day together. We'll be together more now because Friday is his last day at the one job because of him starting college and closer to my due date, he's leaving another job so he can be here more in case I go into labor early. Right now, I'm making anywhere from 75-150 a night and it's not a lot but it helps. Between all 3 job's he's been working, he's bringing home around 1,500 dollars every two weeks even though that's going to be a lot less once he leaves 2 of his jobs. As of last Friday when I deposited money into our account, our balance was a little over 5,000 dollars so we're set with money for awhile once the baby comes. I have another 750 dollars to deposit when I get a chance to go to the bank in the next few days.


I've been working at the same diner since December so a lot of my regular customers have been really supportive of me with my pregnancy. I've also had other customers that I had never had before that when they find out that I'm only 16, they are disgusted with me and ask for another waitress. It hurts when that happens but I really try not to let it bother me. Last Sunday, my boss asked to speak to me alone. We went outback of the diner to smoke and talk (Please don't lecture me on smoking. I've been smoking since I was 12 and when I tried to quit soon after I found out I was pregnant, the stress possibly may have caused me to miscarry one of the babies.), he told me that when he had first found out I was pregnant, he thought I was just going to be another teen mother that lives off welfare and doesn't take responsibility for my actions. He said my actions over the last few months showed him that I wasn't just the steriotypical teenage mother and that he was really proud of me. He gave me a huge hug and told me that I was going to be a great mother and I cried of happiness.


Tonight, two of my regular customers sat me down to talk because I wasn't busy at all. They told me that they have never seen anyone my age mature as fast as I did after I found out I was having a baby. The woman said that her daughter had also gotten pregnant at a young age and after the baby was born, she lived off them and they raised their grand-daughter because she ended up an alcoholic soon after the baby was born. She said that they loved their daughter no matter what but they were never proud of her and her actions. She told me that she wishes I could have known her daughter to show her that even though it's hard to be a teen-mom, you can still take responsibility for your actions and do the right thing. In the end, he told me I was their adopted daughter. They are leaving Saturday for Florida and won't be back until after Christmas. Right before they left, they both gave me a huge hug and she slipped an envelope into my pocket and they left. It had my name on the front and it said not to open it until they had already left the diner. I opened it and there was a note with a phone number and address of where they were going to be and to let them know when I have the baby and to send pictures. There was another folded up piece of paper in the envelope and I opened it. Five $100 bills were in it.


I started crying immediately at the sheer generosity (spelling?) that almost strangers have. Until I got pregnant, I never knew how cruel some people are and how others are so caring and understanding. Everyone on this website are complete strangers to me but yet, you all try to help me with all the advice you know. Thank you.




This ended up being A LOT longer than I planned on and I'm sorry about how long it is.

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Ooh, how exciting! If you need any reassurances about labor and delivery, there are plenty of mommies here to help! Good luck on the rest of the pregnancy!


Thank you!


that's a beautiful story. kindness comes when you least expect it sometimes


Yeah, it really does. I never expected anyone to do that in a million years.

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Thanks for keeping us updated! I always look out for your posts and look forward to reading how you're going. I was telling a friend of mine about this site the other day and I was talking about you and how you're pregnant and how even though we don't know you, so many of us are always eagerly reading your posts (as you can see from your viewings!)


I think you are going to be a fantastic mum and can't wait to see some pictures of little Ian! Congratulations too on all your savings- that's excellent. Babies can be very expensive!


Good luck for the next 7 weeks

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Thanks for keeping us updated! I always look out for your posts and look forward to reading how you're going. I was telling a friend of mine about this site the other day and I was talking about you and how you're pregnant and how even though we don't know you, so many of us are always eagerly reading your posts (as you can see from your viewings!)


I think you are going to be a fantastic mum and can't wait to see some pictures of little Ian! Congratulations too on all your savings- that's excellent. Babies can be very expensive!


Good luck for the next 7 weeks


Thank you. I'm going to keep working until the last minute so that we'll have plenty of money to live until I can get back to work.


You sound like you are going to be great!

dont worry delivery does sound... interesting! but WE CAN DO IT!!

keep us posted and get some pics of the little one when he joins you here in this world!

good luck


I'm actually not too worried about delivery. I was in the room with my sister when she gave birth to my niece so I know what to do pretty much. I know it's going to be A LOT of pain but in the end, it's worth it.


Its great to hear how good you are doing. The money you have saved and how hard you are working is admirable.


I cant wait to hear more and see pictures! Best wishes and we are all cheering for you accross the net!


Thank you! It really makes me feel great inside knowing that people that have no idea who I am are excited for me.

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So proud of you. You sound so strong and are working very hard to put away money to be able to help support yourself and the baby once he comes. As always, I am very impressed with your attitude.


Hope you will update us with more belly pics soon!!

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So proud of you. You sound so strong and are working very hard to put away money to be able to help support yourself and the baby once he comes. As always, I am very impressed with your attitude.


Hope you will update us with more belly pics soon!!


Thank you!


I'll eventually get around to getting more pictures. I really haven't had time lately.

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