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Social Anxiety Disorder

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My shrink has never mentioned it to me, but after reading the description here:


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It seems like I posess a lot of the symptoms; persistent, intense, and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others and being embarrassed or humiliated by my own actions, while at the same time realizing that the fears are excessive, but finding it extremely hard to overcome. Blushing and a monotone voice are also common for me.


The fact that I have muscular dystrophy complicates things more as it's harder to just get out and enjoy being around people when there are so many physical factors to keep track of.


I believe it dates back to my early days in school when some people used to torment me about the little things, i.e. the way I walked. (I know it doesn't sound bad but I was young and impressionable) From there I became more self-conscious and afraid of interaction with others for fear of being hurt.


I'm going to ask my shrink about Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy the next time I go. He was willing to put me on drugs (Paxil) but the idea frightens me.


Who else has had experience with this?

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I'm a social anxiety sufferer. Similar to you, I'm sure mine dates back to when I was ridiculed back when I moved to my town for just about everything (namely nerdiness, shyness, fashion sense, etc.) I also have severe lung problems that would result in coughing excessively - people made fun of me for that, too.


Unfortunately, my social anxiety almost controls my life now. My advice would be to seek help for it in case things end up getting worse, ya' know? I didn't use to be so bad years ago, but now I wish I could start seeing my psychologist again.

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I also suffer from a form of social anxiety, but it's developed into a full blown fear of women I am attracted to, which is 88.7% of the population.


I was literally born shy. It developed into social anxiety and horrendous low self esteem once I realized I'm uglier than Godzilla on crack.


I suffer from an inferiority complex with handsome men. I find myself so beneath them that they would need scuba gear to find my pitiful self.


I hate speaking in front of crowds but I spoke in front of one about my dad at his funeral 3 months ago without nerves.


But I have progressed during the years. I can now eat in public with no problem. I use the urinals instead of preferring to use the toilets with closed doors (this is a common social fear with men and it has little if anything to do with winkie size.)


The fact that all of my friends are good looking and have women falling all over them as I stand idly with my hands in my pockets enhances my SAD by 65% and multiplies my low self esteem to the umpteenth power.


I have no problem talking to strangers. I also join in conversations if I see I am wanted. I hate some type of crowds. Last friday night, the streets of downtown NYC in The Village was alive with random gatherings in spots where performers were dancing and just a whole array of get togethers. It was crowded, alive and festive but I didn't mind being amongst the crowd.


Although I avoided standing near the women.


Today I saw awoman I have a major crush on. Sadly for me, she doesn't bat an eyelash at me and I think from my nervousness she can tell I like her. I was getting on the bus in front of her and my legs were jello.


My advice is to think of two words as your affirmation: Who cares.


Who cares what they think of you? If they are not your Lord and Master, their opinion of you doesn't make the world go round.


Who cares if you embarrass yourself. You are not the first, last or only.


I can understand how Muscular Dystrophy and other similar situations will give a person anxiety. Everyone has things to deal with, some are more visible than others. Go about your normal and live for you, not anyone else. And good luck!

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Good advice from KYO


I will add that you should keep in mind that alot of it is in your own head. Take Kyo's inferiority complex around men he *believes* are more handsome for instance. The only person you should care if they find you attractive is the woman you're interested in. And how in the heck do you know what types she finds attractive?? You don't! Maybe she doesn't like your type, maybe she does. But even if she doesn't it doesn't mean you're inferior. Just move on. The right girl for you will.


A while back my bro was trying to set me up with a coworker of his (A). But I said, no; I liked the other one (his subordinate(B)). He was cuter, and I liked his personality better. My bro was sooo shocked. He said he believed (A) was so much better. More handsome, more muscular, more successful, etc. I said, no. I like (B). Hey you never know what someone else will go for.

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It's nice to know I'm not alone with this.


I suffer from an inferiority complex with handsome men.

I hate speaking in front of crowds.

Use the toilets with closed doors.

I have no problem talking to strangers.

I avoid standing near the women.




Strangers seem much less threatening... I don't know why, maybe it's because I know I'll never see them again so I don't need to make any kind of impression.


I'm slowly getting better at fighting it, but it's a lot harder than simply saying to yourself '**** it, who cares?' (Though that does help sometimes) It's so built in it almost becomes like an instinct.


You could compare it to a more natural fear of heights. Whatever you tell yourself, you just can't jump off that cliff, even if you know it's perfectly safe. A compulsive, gut response.


But using that same analogy, maybe just doing it, without any prior thought or hesitations about the things that might happen, could work.

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