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I think you handled things about as well as they realistically could have been handled, and for that you should be proud of yourself. You may not feel as empowered as you would like, but you are still stronger than you give yourself credit for. Just read the abuse and violence and infidelity boards - many women stay with partners like your ex.


It's unfortunate that he's trying to spoil your nights out. Would it be at all possible to start going to different clubs/bars without much inconvenience to yourself? If not, then I think you can only continue what you've been doing - ignore him as best you can. Eventually he should grow tired. A restraining order would be good, but as he hasn't threatened or done violence to you, his actions probably don't qualify him for one.

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But no, I go out and am having fun with my friends, then he shows up with another girl (his next victim) and out of all the places he could have sat, he sat RIGHT INFRONT of my eyeline with this girl on his lap, showing off, kissing her, laughing really loudly and i just tried my hardest to ignore him and I was doing a pretty good job (which made me feel good) but everytime I sneaked a glimpse he was creepily staring at me over her shoulder. At one point she looked at me as if to say "why is my boyfriend staring at that girl?!"


Better her than you... She has the misfortune of getting a good dose of his crap.

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Yeah i saw him again yesterday as i was leaving the train station and he was getting out of a taxi. I was really shocked to see him and he smiled and said 'Hey' like nothings happened! I literally swivelled on my heels and walked off the other way before I even knew what I was doing! He's so weird!

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