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loving again

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how can you learn to love again when your so scared that the person will leave? how do u get over the fear of a heart break? How can you trust that a person will never cheat again for the rest of their lives? does time heal all wounds? why is it that people want to hide themselves away when they know it they'll be lonly, but yet they can't let themselves go. anyway just venting, no awnsers needed, but they will be apprectiated.

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If you are in a relationship and the person does not treat you right and does not show remorse for betrayal or a willingness to improve then you must leave and allow yourself time to heal from this disappointment.


It takes time to heal from a heart break and it is best not to rush into a relationship when you are still hurting. Time can heal a lot of wounds. Some things may remain as memories that we can learn from and hopefully spare ourselves from the same pains again.


Don't fall in love too quickly but give yourself the chance to get to know the person first to make sure they are worthy of your devotion.

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There are 2 points to make here. The first is that you can't just arbitrarily trust anyone or your heart will get broken again. You must choose your mate carefully and try to see the signs that they will be true to you. Not everyone is worthy of your trust. The second is that once you find someone worthy, and you fall in love, you must keep in mind that every step is a leap of faith. There will be hard times, your mate should make the effort to make you feel secure and in return you must open yourself to risk.

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Their ar eno guarantees in life. It is just the way life is. So you can never date again feeling secure, alone, but with an unbroken heart, or you can get out their again and try once more...


Id first deal with the emotions you are experiencing right now. The trusting issues, the fear issues, then try dating again.


If you fell off your bike when you were a kid, did you get back on, or throw the bike away???

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When we are single, we scared that we would die alone and no one would take care of us when we are vulnerable, sick, old, and no money.


When we are attached to our SO, we scared that they will cheat on us, betray us or even leave us.


On either sides, there is always the fear elements there.

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It depends on what kind of hurting.


When we scared to be hurted we would forever inside our comfort zone and not able to take life to the fullest.


Although, those who scare to hurt someone is thoughtful in a way to reduce someone pain. However, fear to hurt someone have also another side of the coin.


For instance, a parents who always protect their children from the outside world and preventing them from being hurt is actually not doing their children a favour. T


his is because they could not protect them for the rest of their life. They would get old. What they ought to do is to teach their children how to handle the hurt feelings, the failures, and the success they made.

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Everybody deals with these situations and issues on their own level. If you would have asked me this about 4 months ago, I would have told you that I could never trust again and I will not love another again. But time does heal and you put yourself in a different perspective. At least I did.


As far as trust, everybody I meet has to earn it from me. And it takes a while since I don't trust many people.

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Time does heal wounds. If you feel like you should be alone, then that's your heart telling you that you need time to heal. You may be coming up with some reason to support the gut feeling.


I know that I have felt broken before. I have felt like I had no capability to love someone. I know now that that's not the case. I just needed the time to heal.


If it's a trust issue you have to overcome, then you will only be able to move on when you release that issue. You don't want to carry that baggage into a new relationship. Everyone is different. Just because one hurts you doesn't mean the next one will.

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