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What Do You Make of It? (Guy's Only, I'd Prefer)

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It sounds one sided, you're probably better off moving on with your life.


What's the age gap, I'm guessing 9-10 yrs.? That isn't an issue if you were 25 and he 34 but at 18? you basically still are in a puppy love stage.


If he did get married why are you wondering anything?

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I've read a few of the topics you started on this MissDashwood...


I honestly think you should let him go. Not hearing back from him is your answer, he wants NC. Throughout all of your posts I felt the same vibe from you. You want this man, despite what you might say otherwise.


Here is what I think. He got married, he's starting a life with his new wife. He has this woman who he considers a friend who keeps on trying to contact him. He knows she likes him and out of respect for his wife and his marriage he has decided to either A) stop all contact with you forever or B) stop contact with you until your feelings for him fade.


Contacting him all the time will only serve to push him away. Friendships shouldn't have to be pushed or forced on a person.


I'd just let it go. Treat it like a bad breakup, which is exactly how you already are treating it. (Heck, you even posted about this in the infedility forum) Take his silence as a sign that he doesn't want to talk to you anymore and move on


I'm sorry to be so blunt... but that's just the way it is.

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If you really want varied responses, try putting it on different forums altogether. Here's a relatively broad spectrum for you:


link removed - divorce board for under-35s, about equal men-women

link removed - like the name says, men. includes relationship section.

link removed - answers write-in questions

link removed - kinda like ena, presumably diff. ppl

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