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How do i tell him enough is enough?

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hey everyone,

i just wanted some advice concerning my ex.


we went out for 2 months and i broke it off for various reasons back in January.

The main reason being that when he told me he was falling in love with me and i realised that i didnt feel anything close to this and never would.


i explained this to him but he had a very hard time accepting it and although we decided to be friends he insisted we get back together.

about 2 months ago he came to my flat, drunk and forced himself on me.

I managed to push him away and get him to leave and the next day he was full of apologies.


This morning he phoned and said he wanted to get back together (for about the millionth time this month)


I just don't know how to make him understand i dont want to be with him.


I'm 20years old, i really don't want to be in a serious relationship with anyone at the moment and even though i keep explaining this to him he just wont leave me alone.


we have a big group of friends and i see him all the time so calling the friendship off isnt really an option.


any ideas would be much appreciated!


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Well, one thing is he couldn't force himself on you if you didn't open the door to let him in. Don't answer his calls, don't talk to him. If you keep giving him your time then he'll think that he might be able to get back in and change your mind.


Hope I helped.



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i didnt let him in, my flatmate, who is one of his best friends, let him in.

And its not the first time, he was quite a different person when he drank.


the thing is i cant just not talk to him because he is in my circle of friends.


i need to find a way to let him down gently so we can still be on speaking terms

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