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Does anyone ever feel this way? (concerning love)


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Now I dont want this to sound too cliched but I guess it has to be due to the circumstances (so bear with me).


There is this one girl that lives (way way) away from me probably about 14 hours. Anyways what happens is this, I go visit this one person who is my family member and work for that family member. This all started about two years ago and the first time I came to work for her there was this one girl who just kind of caught my attention. At first I just thought of her as a very pretty girl but once I got to know her I noticed how much of both a fun and cool person she was. So it happened, every summer when id go work for this family member id work with this girl and all the times id have to work with her, a few hours after I had said goobye or whatever, id just feel sad.


I just wanted to talk with her and all these feelings overwhelmed me. I realized how special she was how different how pretty and it just made me feel empty and very very sad inside, a feeling as if my heart was sort of draining or dying. I realized that id never met a girl like her before in my whole life, id never met one that looked like she did or even similiar she just had this special look that I loved and id never met one with the same personality, always happy, nice, fun and just sort of other qualities that are hard for me to explain. I just cant explain to you in words how different and special she seemed to me, because she was I can honestly say like no other girl in my whole existence had ever been like, none had ever came close, its just so strange...


I guess the closest thing I can think of is if anyone remembers watching movies probably at a younger age (since im younger). Now does anyone remember watching a girl (if your a girl, a guy) that just kind of stood out, her personality everything was so unique other than everyone in the movie and at the end of the movie youd kind of dream of her and this actress/actor just seemed so special to you that youd fantasize of actually being with her. Yet youd take a look at your life and realize there was no one like this actress/actor and that it must just be hollywood. Difference is for me it isnt hollywood or anything shes just that special.


But you know even though I know she always says that im such a sweet guy and im very cute and everything and we definetly just kind of mix very well, I also realize that she is (21 or 22 maybe 20 felt emberassed to ask so I dont), she also has a boyfriend and lives a hell of a long distance away. But you know I like her so much I just want to even be her friend and talk with her a lot, thats about it... but I cant really talk with her very often and I will leave this city in a while, which just makes me feel incredibly sorrowful and alone since I always wonder when il see her or what will happen...


And you know I dont like to complain, I really dont in fact I hate it when people complain about love, little things but.... this is just so different it feels as if my heart is tearing apart and I cant help it but wonder if anyone else has had such strong feelings over a girl to the point of agony and this is directed towards to before you went out with someone or someone you just liked (this isnt about relationships). Also has anyone ever met someone in their life that is genuinely different than everyone else they have met and just seems so amazing? Please share with me because at this moment I really need some help.



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I just want to even be her friend and talk with her a lot

No you dont...

it just made me feel empty and very very sad inside, a feeling as if my heart was sort of draining or dying


You just have to remember that there are PLENTLY more girls out there who are also very nice and great to talk to. You just have to go out and find them. There is no poing sitting around *waiting* for her to drop her BF and then *maybe* go out with you. That would suck, and make you feel terrible.

You know you dont want to be friends with her, dont try and tell yourself you do. You want more than that, but it wont happen, so you need to get over her.


Go out and look for someone new, dont keep thinking about her. At the same time, dont give up if you dont find someone as good as her in a few days, or a few attempts at talking to girls. This sort of thing wont happen overnight, but it will happen.



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Nah, I am not telling myself I want to be friends with her, in fact in some ways I would rather be friends with her but I mean all I really would like is to be around her thats how much of a fun and cool person she is. I mean id still like to be with her, just not the same way that is perceived normal. I realize there is plenty of girls out there but really I have found none like her and its not because im blinded by love or anything its just that she truly is different, its just probably so hard for people to understand when they cant see what im talking about..

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Dude... I know exactly what you are talking about. Exactly.


Dont bother being friends with her, you DONT want it. You said it yourself, how much it hurts being around her. It may seem like its so much fun to be around her, but you know the feeling. As soon as you leave, you just feel empty.


You will find someone else, dont think about her too much, instead focus on ways to find other girls.

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Now does anyone remember watching a girl (if your a girl, a guy) that just kind of stood out, her personality everything was so unique other than everyone in the movie and at the end of the movie youd kind of dream of her and this actress/actor just seemed so special to you that youd fantasize of actually being with her. Yet youd take a look at your life and realize there was no one like this actress/actor and that it must just be hollywood. Difference is for me it isnt hollywood or anything shes just that special.


Sure I remember this. I also remember feeling the same infatuation you feel. It's called "one-itus", google that term. Sure she's special, but she's just as special as anyone else. Your case of one-itus has only amplified it in your head. I know, I've been there several times. A person is far more likely to catch "one-itus" when they've had little experience with women, have lower self confidence/self esteem, when they feel a need for approval from other people, when they are younger, more immature, etc. All of those things or a combination of those things lead to creating a "one-itus" situation. It's not healthy at all and it takes some serious soul searching and some inspiring self exploration to "grow up" and overcome this infatuation.

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