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shoud i go out with new girl or ex?

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I really need your advice,


Okay I have another post on here about the brake up with my year relationship. "Crushed after 5 years"


Me and my ex was talking last night online, we was talking about what was wrong in our relationship, she said she wants to finish talking about it later. My problem is that I am leaving Monday for a 3 week road trip and this will be the last time I will be able to see her until Sept. I really want to try to talk things out with her, it has been almost two weeks that we broke up. I love her with all might heart and I cant stand not being with her. I think she is missing me also because she has initiated 2 out of 3 times we have talked, and she said she came out and said she knows she isn't being fare to us exc.. exc..


So I meet this women last week end, and we have been talking some, she seems nice but I know I am on the rebound bad, and she want to meet up tonight for drinks. I kind of want to meet her, but then again I feel real bad about it because I don't want to go out on my ex In case we do get back together, when we talk, and my sense is that we will for some reason. I don't know I just feel it.

The girl I meet that want to meet up is going to call me today after she gets back from the beach. My ex is at work right now, so I don't know if I should call her, so we can meet to talk things out? or should I just go out with the new girl? If I did go out with her I don't think my head would be in the date,

Do you think it is to soon to be going on another date? its hasn't been two weeks yet.

I haven't been on at date with anyone else in over 5 years. It would be strange and I think very uncomfortable for me. The new girl dont know that I just had a brake up.


Please give me your thoughts on this...Thanks

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I think you have in fact answered your own problem and just wanted someone else to agree with you.


It would be strange and I think very uncomfortable for me


You went out with someone for 5 whole years, it is not going to take just 2 weeks to get over this, so of course it will feel strange and odd going out on a date with something else.


Maybe you should be honest with this woman and say that you have just broken up with a girl and that you don't feel right going out on a date. She will either say yes and not call you back or in fact it will win a sympathy vote and she will say go out just as friends!


But on the whole I don't think that you are ready and you need to listen to your gut instinct on this one

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My gut feeling is to see my ex because I feel like she wants to work things out. Or maybe I am just hoping, but we did start talking about things.

I asked about her sisters b/f and she said that they might be splitting up soon. Then she just cam out and said that both of their lives is F@#ked up right now, and she was sorry for not being fare to me, that she does not have her head on straight, I think she is really confused right now. I kind of think if we wait until I get back to talk, it might be to late. by the way she knows nothing about me leaving for 3 weeks.


I think you are right that it is to soon to go out with another girl. I guess I need more time to get My Head on Straight also. My ex's mother did tell me I should call her and meet her out somewhere. I have been told that mother knows best. (most of the time) her Mom really cares about me and wants to see us together, but she isn't going to try to make us get back together but said she would help me anytime I needed it...

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If I were you I'd go out with this other girl. 5 years is a long time to be in a relationship, but you can't miss oportunities that may turn out for the better. Let the new girl know that you find her attractive but you are getting over someone to be fair. If she is worth it, she'll understand. Go out and have a good time. Don't mention your ex during the date though. That will spoil it.


If your ex finds out, that's simply too bad for her - she'll probably see that you can move on and will develop new respect for you. But she doesn't have to know about it because it's none of her business now that you've separated. Right now you have to be selfish. You'll heal a lot faster with company.


As for getting back with your ex, maybe it's a possibility. A relationship of that time is sure to have a lot of memories and very difficult to walk away from. It's the memories that hurt the most doesn't it? I've been there all too often. All I can say is give her the space - pursuing her will draw her away. You can't do anything positive about the situation except heal yourself. Going out with others is the best way.

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