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A bit disappointed...

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Me and this guy I like arranged to hang out one day, he knows I like him. However he never really told me how he felt, but according to a friend he said he liked me but wasn't sure if he wanted a girlfriend. When we met up we got on pretty well or so I thought... But a couple of days ago I went on msn and he went offline straight away, I didn't even get the chance to IM him not that I intended to but anyways, I checked on my sisters account and he was on. So he must have blocked me. My sister asked him why he blocked me but he went offline and didn't answer which cowardly indeed. I am quite gutted because the only thing I can see is that he isn't interested in me, what other reasons would there be for this? He's led me on...Arranging to meet me and talking to me lots online and initiating conversations before hand... it's all a bit childish. I sent him a message on myspace asking him why he's blocked me, was it something I'd done or said? and he's ignored it... And I know he seen it because he's been online since and it's marked as read. And just yesterday I found I'd been deleted from his myspace account too.

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His behaviour is really quite bizarre... Going from one extreme to the next.


I am thinking he doesn't want to get involved with you if he is leaving. Sure, he likes you and he has feelings for you but he is putting up a barrier because he doesn't want to risk hurting you or hurting himself.


Was anything said about being friends once he moves away?



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Is he a coward? It seems that way... Although I still might be wrong.


He's a man, he want's to avoid conflict and doesn't want to get into an argument with you. Cutting a friendship with someone is never an easy thing to do. If this is the way he handles a situation then you don't deserve him and will find someone who will treat you better.



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I think he's just not that into you, and if this is what you're dealing with NOW then it definitely is not something you want to be dealing with when emotion is involved. At least now you don't really have much if anything invested in the relationship. Trust me, this treatment hurts more after you've been with a person for months or years.

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