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Need Advice on a New "Relationship"

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Hi Everyone.


I'm a newbie here - sorry if this has been posted before. I've been casual friends with a woman (who I'll call "Beth") at work for about 6 months. Nothing major - just a quick hello in the halls. Last month after she heard I was single and looking she became more friendly and flirtatious and blurted out "have you ever had a friend with benefits?" I innocently and honestly answered no and she responded "would you like one"? Apparently, she has been asking friends of mine about my status without indicating she was even interested! Now, I find myself curiously attracted to her as well. She's been very upfront and honest with her feelings towards me.


She's living with someone who is about to move out. (I know for a fact it's a dead-end relationship). Mutual friends are happy we are together and developing more than a friendship. "Beth" is 27, I'm 41. Age is not a factor for either one of us. We are not looking for a serious relationship yet - just to spend time together until she gets out of school next year.


It's too soon to say I've fallen in love with her - but I've developed an intense liking and attraction to her. We talk and laugh about everything and are never at a loss for words. I have never felt this way with any woman before. Right now her living situation prevents us from spending much time together, but the time we share together is very special and we never want to let go of hugging each other.


I know some of you are going to tell me to be careful - which I already am. I've been burned before and have a wall up. This feels more than "love at first sight".


Any thoughts?




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