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Does she like me or not? PLEASE HELP!!


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I really need some help.




There's this girl at work, and I have well and truly fallen for her, but she's going off to Australia in October for 9 months!


She's slim, shoulder-length blonde hair, calm voice, blue eyes, just generally amazing! And from what I can tell, she's pretty shy too, as she is very quiet and unassuming, and she's always seen around work with her Mom.




It all started about 2 weeks ago, on a Tuesday, when I was working with a colleague and "she" came along and was asked to work with me.


As soon as I saw her, I was blown away. I got really nervous, but showed her how to do it.


A few of my workmates were making fun of me about it (obviously they could see I was nervous), I laughed and joked with them and carried on working.


I remember I walked off to talk to my boss, and when I came back, she was sat on a seat, looking at me, smiling. Of course, I smiled back and then we carried on working.


(Another point, whenever I spoke to her, she rarely made eye contact).


The end of the day came and everyone went home. At first, I thought I'd get over her.... oh my, how wrong I was!


The next day (now Wednesday), she was working with me again. The same thing happened, we didn't really get chatting (I was way too nervous). She again smiled at me a few times, and, of course, I smiled back.


End of the day arrived, I said "Bye" and everyone went home.


Next day (Thursday), she had now gone back upstairs (where she normally works). I saw her about 3 times that morning, when she came downstairs to go to the toilet. I saw her again at dinner break, when she walked past where I was working and said "Hi". The thing is, I'd never seen her walk that way to dinner before. Did she do that on purpose? I hope so!


Anyway, I saw her again twice in the afternoon, when she went to the toilet. That too is a different way, because there is a door leading from upstairs right next to the toilets, but she went the "long way". Whenever she walked past, she said "Hi" to my Mom and my Mom's friend (who also work there).


Then on Friday, I saw her a few times in the morning. In the afternoon, I was talking with one of my friends when he looked to his right. Wondering what he was looking at, I turned around and I saw her walk by. She didn't turn around to look at me, she simply walk past, looking in front of her. The thing is, in the 7 months I've worked there, I've NEVER seen her walk down where me and my friend were. Why did she go down there?


Then as Friday was done and dusted, everyone was leaving the building when I saw her come down the stairs and head for the exit door. I was just stood there, mesmerised, looking straight at her as she turned around. After looking back in front of her, she turned around again. I was still looking straight at her. Hopefully, she was looking at me...


I now had a 2 week holiday, which at first I was really looking forward too, but now I was dreading it.


After speaking to my Grandmother about it (she's 85!) I decided to cut-short my holiday to just 1 week.


A week later, on the Friday, my Mom came home and told me that "she" had found out that I liked her. Apparently, someone had told her, and there was a bit of gossip about me going around. At first, I thought this could be a good thing, now that she new I liked her.


When I got back to work on the Monday morning, the first thing someone said to me was "... caught the love bug!" As soon as my boss saw me, he said "You've got a smile on your face, I wonder what that's for!"


OK, so practically everyone knew. Fine.


I found out that "she " had been working downstairs again. I spoke to one of my friends, and he said he overheard "her" talking to one of her friends, and my name was mentioned, something about "she was embarrassed because everybody was saying about Rus fancying her."


Anyway, I saw her once or twice in the morning, but I'm not sure if she noticed me...


Then at my dinner break, me and one of my friends were sat outside in the sun, and she was sat over with her Mom (I think), under a tree in the shade.


Then when me and my friend were about to go back inside to work, she and her Mom did the same. However, she didn't look round or anything, she just walked past, looking straight in front of her.


Then when we were all going home, she walked past, and I was looking at her, but she walked past, looking straight in front of her.


I thought about saying "Hi" but she didn't look in my direction, so I'd have felt (and looked) really stupid.


That got me worried that she had been put-off, or that I'd screwed up my chance...


Then on Tuesday, I only saw her at the end of the day (she was a little far away) and she was just walking, not looking over and stuff.


But the thing I don't understand is that my Mom was walking a bit behind her and my Mom said that she saw "her" look over to where I was. (Well, obviously, I wasn't looking at the time, or else I would have noticed.)


So, is it a case of "she's" looking when I'm not and I'm looking when "she's" not, or something???


On the Wednesday, "she" must have had the day off because no-one I spoke to had seen her. Later that day, I thought about writing her a letter. I never got chance to see her on her own and say hello, so I thought this might be a good idea of contacting her, while not embarrassing her again. That night, I decided to write the letter and leave it on her car windscreen. Basically, I wrote about how I felt about her (I think you're amazing) and stuff like that.


Next day (Thursday), me and my Mom were going through the entrance to work when "she" and her Mom walked up right next to us. At this point, I got REALLY nervous, but instead of saying "Hi", I did the stupid thing and kind of turned away, and walked straight ahead.


AAGGHHHH!!! How stupid am I?




Later that morning, I sawn "her" with her Mom while I was talking with one of my friends.


I looked over my friend's shoulder at her, and I saw her look over at me.


Then at dinner break, myself and my friend went outside to sit in the sunshine, and "she" and her Mom were outside too, again sat under a tree in the shade.


I was quite far away, but still I was nervous as hell.


About 10 minutes later, I went around to the car park and I put the letter onto her car windscreen, so she could see it.


At the end of the day, I rushed out of work, so I could avoid any "awkward" encounters...


That night, I couldn't help but think writing the letter was a REALLY STUPID idea.


Then today (Friday), I saw her again in the morning as I was going into work (I was in the car at the time).


I saw her again at the end of the day. I was sat down, waiting for my Mom, when "she" walked past. As before, she was looking in front of her, but then she turned around and looked towards me. All the while, my eyes were locked on her.


And that's all... for now.




I am so confused. I don't know what to make of it all. It's really messing me up!


Does she like me?


Does she not?


Is she too shy to say anything, or reply to my letter?


Did my letter freak her out?


Is she avoiding me?


Is she too embarrassed?


It's driving me nuts, and I really need some advice.


Please, anyone, HELP!!!

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when she went to the toilet


She was obviously wanting to get your attention or maybe getting you to speak to her, considering that she has taken the long way now to the "toilet".


Of course she isn't goign to act like she is looking at you, what girl does that? Our mystery is to stay secretive and pretend we don't care about a guy...


Hello! just talk to her...say a little "hello"! How bad can that be? what's the worse that can happen? maybe she wants you to tlak to her, but she isnt going to show it. If the work setting is too awkward and embarrassing for the both of you, ask her secretly on a date to dinner or somethineg. Send her an e-mail if you wanna do it even more secretly. I don't know...but make a move already...


You know, i read a book that the guy and the girl's situation was the same as yours...he wanted her, she wanted him, he was confused bc she ignored him, he was too shy to make a move and bc the whole work place knew about his crush on her...so he sent her an email to ask her on a date, and they took it from there!



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Ah, here's something I can relate to. I'm no Cassa Nova but I can tell you this from experience. You have to take a hard look at yourself and try to understand why you're getting so nervous. Of course it's natural to feel uptight when you first meet someone that you find attractive, but it's a problem when it gets in the way of even talking to them. I like to break the ice in these situations. One things all girls (at least the ones I know) enjoy is someone that makes them laugh and someone that engages them in a good conversation. Try and make a joke or ask her something about herself. You'll bee surprised at how well this works. Smiling a lot helps as well. It will make people feel more comfortable in your presense.


Don't spend the rest of your life putting all of your pent up feelings in letters without talking to them first. You owe it to yourself to be direct and honest and not have to feel like you can't discuss your feelings with others.


All the Best!

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Do It....Do It...Do iT


What the worse that can happen? she says no? at least you can stop wondering...stop wasting time, I understand your shy but then you might regret it if its too late.


Just dont be nervous when you ask her, dont studder, trip on your words or anything...try to be cool


Well Good Luck! Write back when you finally make da move to see how it goes

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mmm... OK.


Saw her twice today.


Once in the morning when I was sat down working, and I looked up to see her walking by, looking at me.


Then I saw her in the afternoon when everyone was leaving to go home.


She was walking on her own, so I thought "What the hell!" and I called her name.


But, instead of walking over, she turned around and replied "Sorry, got to go home!"


err... okay...



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mmm... interesting day I've had!


First of all, I finally got to ask her out, but I did it by text message.


The reply I got...


"That would be a no and I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone."




So, I now know that I got it COMPLETELY WRONG, and I made a COMPLETE ASS out of myself in the process!


Great, real ***ing great!



Oh, and the other thing is my parents are splitting up...



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I hate girls that do that ***t , they make you think that they like you, along with everyone else, unless she is just way to scared to say yes. Or maybe she doesn't want to get involved since she is going to Australia, maybe she relizes that she can't have that kind of a long distance relationship, since in order for you to see her you would have to buy a very expensive ticket to australia, and you can't even get there in one flight, that flight that goes from London to Sydney or anywhere in Australia has to stop in Singapore, I think that is too far for a relationship. I am sorry to hear that your parents are splittin. Anyway you had me confused at first when you said dinner break, here in the US we call it Lunch.

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From now on, I think I'll just stay clear of her.


To be honest, I thought her reply was a little "snotty". A "no thanks" would have been enough.


I mean, I didn't follow her around all the time, I didn't pester her. I wasn't whistling at her like some of the other guys do. I did one little harmless letter and a teeny-weeny note, that's all. I did it all in private so she wouldn't get embarrased in front of everyone at work.


And let's not forget, she was the one who kept looking at me, when she kept turning around and looking over at me. So what the hell was I supposed to think?


The funny thing is, when everyone was going home today, I saw her look over at me like she did before.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to bring this up again guys (and gals) but I need a little help.


Okay, I got the message when "she" told me to leave her alone, and that is exactly what I've done. I have stayed out of her way, avoiding her and stuff.


But, it seems it won't be that easy. Let me explain...


Every day at work, whenever I go somewhere, be it to the men's room, or to lunch, we always see each other.


I mean, about two Friday's ago, we were all going home. After work, me and my mom went to take some flowers for my friend who died earlier this year. On the way back from the cemetery, we were driving down this certain road, and we saw two cars that had crashed into one another (it was only a bump, nothing serious). Anyway, as we got closer, I saw who it was who had crashed. That's right, you guessed it, it was "her"!


What are the chances of me bumping into someone I know, let alone someone I'm trying very hard to avoid, on the side of the road?


Just my luck!


Then this past week, every day, I'd be getting on with my work, and I'd turn around and I'd see her. This happened 4 times.


And to make things a little more interesting, every day, when everybody is going home, she keeps on looking over at me.


Coincidence... you tell me!

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