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Amazing convos and terrible ones...all from the same person?

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Is it normal let alone possible to have amamzing and terrible convos with the same person? I talk with this friend a lot one night and we have this amamzing convo and then the next its like one msg every 10mins and its like we're forcing it...

That sounds a lot like what I am going through with a friend. I love our deep convos and interesting and fun convos, but I also hate and detest the ones where we don't get along or get cranky over.

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Of course, I think its possible. I've even been there. Do you guys talk too often possibly. I have found that If I talk to someone daily, not much new happens, and there just doesn't seem to be much to talk about, but If I wait 2 or 3 days, things seem to flow better....we talk about whats new, and then it leads to wherever it leads...I don't know if it was much help, but I feel for you....its pretty annoying when it doesn't flow naturally.

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Sometimes it depends on both people's moods too. I have a friend who is sometimes independent, sometimes clingy. So we click sometimes, and other times it's like we don't have much of any depth to say to each other. Maybe this person won't be your best friend, but you can still have a good friendship.

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The friend could be really busy certain days, or have other people on which they really wants to talk to as well. Try limiting it to every second day or so, or ask him/her if they're busy first. You could talk to them about it if you want, ask them why they sometimes seem disinterested.

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