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Too much drama!! What should I do?

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This will be a long post...so please bear with me. As the title reads...there is just way too much drama here.


My room mate and I have lived here in this house since March of 2006. Here it is August and 6 months ago, he ran into one of his ex g/f's. They started talking of course and now they're dating. This makes me sick. Well...everything turned out fine except for this past month in July. His new g/f went and ran her mouth about what she's been doing behind my room mates back. This includes everything from cheating on him, sleeping around with other guys, using my room mate for his money so he can buy her smokes, minutes for her phone, stuff for her 4 kids, you name it....the whole 9 yards. Well this has been going on for the past month or two and he's already dropped over $100 on her in minutes for phone cards alone. That stuff is expensive. Not to mention smokes all the time at $4.15 a pack. Then he'll drive her anywhere she pleases at $3.00 a gallon. This is ****'ing rediculous.


So, I set my room mate up to get confronted by some other friends. He tells me that he'll believe them over his g/f. Boy was I wrong. He said "I'm not too worried about it really..." and blew things off after everything was told to him. He stood there crying his eyes out and plain as day he knows its true. So he came home...and during this time she's out running around messing around, and he hasn't heard squat from her in like 3 weeks. So umm....hello....get a hint Mr. Room-Mate. So finally she starts coming back around, and he's all up on her and they talk about what went down, and she feeds him a line of crap and he buys it of course. Well....he's been single for most of his life and has only had 2 g/f's maybe 3 that I know of and he's so darn desperate for a girl that he doesn't care and that he is so blind and oblivious to what's really going on that he just doesn't care. He's lied to me about money, lied to me about stupid little piddly things here at home and now I am stuck here in this house with him and his stupid g/f.


I am off work right now due to a hernia. I have surgery come this Monday August 7th, 2006. So once I get that over with, I have to wait 4-6 weeks to heal up before I can get back to work. I will be getting a 2nd job then and I am picking up and leaving. I will make him pay the bills and make him take the fall. I'm tired of getting shafted, lied to and just all of this drama that I failed to mention. All of this little piddly stuff has just been adding up to be a bunch of big stuff and it's driving me insane!


So what does everyone suggest/think? I feel as if I'm stuck here in this trap w/ him. He doesn't and will not go to church. I asked him to take me one morning...he still takes me in his shorts he slept in. He didn't even have the decency to get dressed. He lets his dog pee/poop in the house and doesn't take him out like he's supposed to. He doesn't clean, he's just lazy. I can't stand it here anymore and I want OUT......NOW! Once I'm out...I'm never going to live with anyone ever again. Unless I get married to a woman who's just really awesome!

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You've already done your part by trying to warn him about his gf but he won't listen, and there's only so much you can do. I would say just to leave him alone and let him learn the lesson on his own. How long do you have until your lease is up? If you're still going to be under a lease maybe you can try to find a subletter and either get another roomate or try to get your own place. Your roomate sounds irresponsible and unreliable and I would probably try to get out of the place.

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