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I really messed up!!

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Hey all. So i have managed to get myself into a bad situation. On Saturday night I went out and got very very very drunk. I dont not remember a lot of the night, and none of the more important stuff. I do remember making out with a nice girl early on then going back to her collage room. From there I know nothing!! Now I have got her phone number from a friend and want to call her to apologise, and get my pair of shoes and an expensive belt back.


What do I say? Should I be truthful and tell her that I dont remember a lot of the night, but what I do remember was great? I don't know what to do. Everyone was very drunk as it was a free flow college party(nb. My friends college, not mine). Or I could use the info that has been put together and get myself out of it. I know that I was going to the toilet and then never went back. I think I could not find her room again, a result of the drinking! See I figure that if I tell her I could not find her room it would be better than saying I cant remember anything about her.

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That's an unfortunate situation. Good thing that you got hold of her phone number. I think you should call her asap, just approach her in a light manner, ask if she's up for coffee and ask about the things that are still at her place. If you meet her, you can try to find out what happened. It might be good to find out if you had sex or not, and find out if so, you used protection.


You don't have to mention that you don't remember. She will not find it weird if you don't know the exact address, so just call her, say your name 'remember me from this and this night, we had some fun together and I think part of my stuff is still at your place, and do you fancy a cup of coffee'. You mention that you thought it was a very nice girl, so meeting her wouldn't be a bad idea, right?


Careful with free flow parties next time...



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Ok, well I just called her. I said I was very sorry for my disappearing act, and told her somewhat of the truth. I said that when I went to the bathroom I got lost in the hallway. She seemed to find some humour in the fact that I had to walk home in socks. She then asked if I wanted to pick my stuff up from her room. I am going around tomorrow afternoon, I figure that while I am there I will ask her if she wants to go get a coffee with me. I am still not sure if I want a relationship from her(maybe part of the reason i did a runner). But hey this is going with the idea that she even wants look at me. So I am half way to sorting out the problems I have/


Oh I have done way too many stupid things when I have been overly drunk. I once got a txt message the next day from a girl that I dont even remember meeting let alone making out with according to my friend. I am not drinking ever ever again!!!

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Well, take this as an important lesson! I never drank a lot, and since I have been on and off antidepressants, most of the time I wasn't supposed to drink at all. Half a year ago, I decided that I don't want to drink alcohol at all. I see what it does to people around me, how they are on booz, and how they feel the morning after. Life and parties are not boring without alcohol.


Good thing you called her.



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Well I don't know what you apologized for since you were two willing individuals... I would have made a joke about getting lost in the halls or something and then would have arranged a time to meet up to get back your gear. Oh, and sure, why not go out for a cup of coffee. She might be a cool chick!

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