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*psuedo-rant *darn kids!!!

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ok well i was sitting outside the place i work at, just hanging with a friend having a grand old time . anyway 2 girls from my school come up and start to hang with us, at this point all is still well. 15 minutes in one of them (15) asks me "do you have a cigarette?" i look at her and reply "are you 18?" I realize that i was being rude, but she spit on me. is that really appropriate?


i mean they go around only caring for themselves and disrespecting everyone and everything, and they are lazy. i feel im a different breed than these people i mean i hold 2 full time jobs and try to be respectful and these people, they just get stoned all day and expect others to clean up after them.


am i nuts or does anyone else notice the decline of teenagers these days(those excluded under the category of teenagers should not need to be told they are an exception)



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She was rude, but no need to respond in kind. Just keep your cool. Maybe she'll learn by example, and yes many people stopped believing it was their responsibility to actually raise their kids quite a few years ago.


I guess I don't need to point out that you are merely 2 years older than said girl? Although you clearly were raised by someone to recognize that there is a difference between being rude and disrespectful, and... not.

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You handled it well. You weren't rude. You know you have no obligation to give cigs just bc someone asks.


She spit on your face?! Y'know, I've been in way too many situations like this. My work puts me in some 'interesting' situations.


It's not only teenagers - though they are visible and there are plenty of them displaying this sort of behavior. There are a lot of 'lost' people.


Do you live in a particularly rough area or something?

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LOL... I had a little giggle when I read your post, because darlin.. you are all of 17 according to your description. HAPPY Belated Birthday if you've passed that mark.


I agree with you. There is a general decline in teens. But.. on the other hand I bed every generation can say that. You know the drill, "when I was your age.. I walked to school 5 miles barefoot, up hill both ways, rain, sleet and snow"


I agree with your that there seems to be a general slothfullness amongst the youth of today. As well as a lack of manners and ill respect for thier elders.


There is a lack of accountability and responsibility amongst our youth... and that wills show itself in spades once they reach the work force. You'll be surprised at how many young people come into the work force with these HUGE expectations of something for nothing.


I think you did the right thing. There is nothing that makes me angrier than someone sponging off me or trying to get a free ride off "MY" blood sweat and tears. I'll lend anyone a helping hand or a smoke. But as the saying goes.. "God helps those who help themselves." I cut people off at the knee's if I smell a mooch.


Smokes included !!! I recently switched to a menthol brand of ciggarette because... I can.. and I have a friend who doesn't GET IT.

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There is a lack of accountability and responsibility amongst our youth... and that wills show itself in spades once they reach the work force. You'll be surprised at how many young people come into the work force with these HUGE expectations of something for nothing.



It's true about the workplace. Don't get me wrong I know lots of young people who are good workers, and professional and respectful, but unfortunately I see sooo many disrespectful and lazy young workers out there.


My assertion is that the lack of accountability and responsibility that you refer to, Shadows Light, should be traced directly back to whomever raised the individual. And could also be partly traced back to someone who educated the individual, whether in k-12, or in college.

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Educators, as much as they might try, cannot undo what was learned at home, most of the time anyway. I don't think it's all the parents' fault either...society expects very little of most teens. Either we're pushed to be the absolute best at everything or someone, somewhere has decided that we'll never amount to much. People tend to fufill the expectations other people have of us-both bad and good.

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