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I've had 2 husbands and am now with my fiancee who is the most wonderful woman in the world!


A guy wants to get the foreplay over and move onto the penetration part as quickly as possible and doesn't always care if the girl is 'seen to' properly. Once he has cum he usually turns over and goes to sleep.


My fiancee and I take our time and have lots of kisses and cuddles and romantic stuff before we make love. And we always make sure both of us are pleasured properly before we snuggle into each other to go to sleep.

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I've had 2 husbands and am now with my fiancee who is the most wonderful woman in the world!


A guy wants to get the foreplay over and move onto the penetration part as quickly as possible and doesn't always care if the girl is 'seen to' properly. Once he has cum he usually turns over and goes to sleep.


My fiancee and I take our time and have lots of kisses and cuddles and romantic stuff before we make love. And we always make sure both of us are pleasured properly before we snuggle into each other to go to sleep.





I suppose that might be true as a generalisation. I have dated guys AND girls and I would say the empirical evidence I have gathered (I must say it has been fun gathering it too) suggests that gay men enjoy kissing as much as penetration to large extent.


I with straight men "who does what" is a forgone conclusion to that becomes the focal point.

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I think it is the same for both. I have made out with both a guy and girl(French Kissing that is), and I would say that kissing is basically the same with either sex(unless the guy doesn't shave)...

I once kissed a guy who basically raped my friggin face. Just shoved his tongue down my throat. I literally wanted to choke. He was a horrific kisser.

Me personally I do like to go slow when I kiss. It is more arousing to me atleast, lol.

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^ TOTALLY agree!!! with guys ive ended up with dorito crumbs on my lips, pointy tongues darting in and out of my mouth, and one time he said "let me show you something"- and bit my lip hard!

with girls, they leave my mouth feeling all tingly and sensational........my one friend makes me melt whenever we kiss

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I'm no homophobe, but I just couldn't even ever fathom getting turned on by a girl...


Like me lol. And no I've never made out with a girl... kissed one.. like 10 years ago (yeah, I was 8) at summer camp. it was the day before we all went home. Never had morethan a peck-like kiss with a girl. But then... I've never kissed a guy. But I want to. I want my first kiss to be special... and it will be. Going to visit my bf as soon as I can

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awws.. going to visit your boyfriend.. that's sweet. i can almost -promise- that kiss will be good. but probably really shy, or a bit awkward at first.. i happen to know he hasn't kissed -anyone- that way.

and as for all the other experiences.. i don't think it's really something you can generalize. it all depends on one's personal preferences, no? heheh. ^^;;

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hehe *pokles* welll... of course it's going to be good.. and extremely nervous.. hehe both you and me will be there.. "is this the right time to kiss?" hehe. I can't wait though. want to kiss you so much. Loves you. *snugglies*

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