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Resetting Ones Body-Clock.

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I wont plunge into details, but a while back I was sick for a couple of weeks, and could only get to sleep when I was exhausted - which was usually around 5:00am - 6:00am.


Now - about three weeks on - I find I just end up laying in bed until the edge of dawn trying to sleep, and only succeeding really late. I wake up again about 10 or 11 - and I cannot sleep once I do, but I spend the daylight hours feeling tired and get an energy boost about 7:00pm, which just makes the cycle continue... =/


Does anyone have any tips or tricks for resetting my Body-Clock?

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If you have a period of several weeks to work with, try pushing back your bedtime by a couple of hours every day. So, if you normally go to sleep at 7am, make yourself stay up til 9am on day 1....next day, stay up til 11am, and so on until you've worked your way around the clock.


If you don't have that kinda time to deal with it, then you're just gonna have to bite the bullet and make yourself stay awake all day. You'll feel crappy and really exhausted, but you'll fall asleep that night.


I used to work full time overnights and go to school full time in the day time....I had to fiddle with my sleep schedule all the time. After 2 years, I was constantly exhausted. The sooner you can get yourself back on a regular schedule, the better you're gonna feel.

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Maybe I like the easy route, but when I've gone through the same thing (curse my summertime insomnia), I find that taking a mild OTC sleeping pill an hour before you plan to go to bed really helps. It gives you a good night's sleep and you wake up early (be sure to set your alarm clock) and you don't feel groggy the next day. I've found one or two days of taking a pill sufficient to readjust my clock.

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I agree with both posts above. Exercise and taper your sleep to induce exhaustion. I would also suggest reading something boring before sleeping and whatever you do, keep it regular for a while after you get a schedule set. Cover the windows with black sheets if you have to. I've found that if my legs are tired, I can sleep. If not, I'm wide awake. I've been known to get out of bed in the middle of the night to do a 100 or so lunges.

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I have heard you are supposed to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. If you cannot sleep just stay awake for the first few nights until you drop of but set a time and get up at the same time each morning regardless of how much sleep you have had.


It is hard, and you will feel extremely tired throughout the day, but you will start to feel tired at a normal time at night, and go to bed at a reasonalble time. Try it.

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Hmm. I would say you should force yourself to wake up at a reasonable time, the same time, each morning. Your body will have to self-adjust, and I think it will by getting tired earlier.


I just revamped my "usual" sleep/wake times quite effectively. I was a 2 hour snoozer, and getting up later would cause be to stay up later. Quite the vicious cycle! But stopped cold turkey 11 days ago, and haven't hit the snooze button since... It was only a couple hours for me, and you've described a bigger change, but I think the same principles apply.

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you can not force your body to sleep but you can force your body to wake up


set your alarm for about 8 or 9 in the morning and stay up until 10 at night at least, by that time you will be beat and be sleeping in sec, every time summer sinks in this happens and this is how i get my clock back up

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