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I think one of my best male friends likes me.


He calls me all the time, he messages me to see how I am even if he is out with his friends. He always is wanting to go out and do something with me. He always says that he thinks im adorable. If we are out clubbing and some guy trys to hit on me he is always there to rescue me and the list goes on.


SO, does this show he does like me or am I thinking wrong.

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Well, if he's too shy and you're too shy then you two are destined never to be together. But I bet the girl in your avatar woudn't be too shy!!


Unless you were to say in 'casual conversation' "I really want to go and see/do (insert movie or activity of choice) but I don't have anyone to go with." Then look him in the eye and see what he says. make sure no one else can hear so they don't offer to go with you.

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Just wait for another guy to ask you. He may not be half as caring and intelligent, but at least you won't have had to lift a finger to do anything.

Women aren't allowed to ask men out. It's a federal law.


Break it.

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