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I want to date her, but I hardly have met her!

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Ok, im 17 and there is this girl that I have been dying to talk to and let her know that I like her for some time now. I have never spoken to her in person or anywhere else before (im shy). About two weeks ago I got up enough courage to write two letters to her which I signed with the name 'secret admirer'. She e-mailed me back and said:

"Hi, I don't really know what to say in this email. You seem to be able to talk pretty freely, but u have an unfair advantage, u know who i am.... so u'll have to forgive me if I'm not as, well, open. This whole secret admirer thing is flattering, but just a hint, I'm more of a straight forward person, so u'd be better off if i knew who i was getting letters from."


I tried to talk to her on im but I don't think it went that well at all. Here is what we said:

Me: did u get my email i just sent?

Her: wait, is this lissy

Me: lissy? no

Her: ooooo, sorry, i thought this was my friend lissy, with a different sn, who is this

Me: do u have a guess from reading the email?

Her: is ur name david

Me: hey, about the first email u sent me... it said u sent it about 5:30 in the morning is that true? how r u able to get up that early?

Me: how did u know?

Her: no, definitely didnt send it in the morning

Her: theres a page on band in the yearbook

Me: oh yeah

Me: so u snowboard... where do u normally go?

Her: squaw or alpine

Me: hmm, i haven't been there for a long time

Her: ok, excuse my asking, but whats the interest in me, u've never talked to me before

Me: i know... im kindof shy

Me: i just think ur a great person

Her: i dont get it but alright

Me: what does the 424 stand for?

Her: old soccer numbers

Her: 4 for hs and 24 for league

Her: i gotta go tho, bye bye

Me: bye


So now that is where we stand, but I still haven't let her know id love to go on a date with her. What should be my next step? I need help please. When she comes back online, should I say something to her again?

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Yeah, I was the same way. Not really knowing the next step....UNTIL!


I learned the direct approach...take it, they love it. Be nice, etc...(my last three posts are on this stuff so read them). You will catch on eventually. Just find out her number, and tell her you want to take her to dinner. Be sincere.

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I think you should talk to her. Tell her that you are really attracted to her but you've been really shy to say anything. Telling her who you are is a good idea, too....don't leave her hangin' or she'll start thinking you're nuts....or obsessed....


Ask her if the two of you could just hang out for a while somewhere (lunch or something) and get to know each other better, and then go from there!

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