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on MSN with friend RIGHT NOW and shes breakin down...

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hi - just tell her not to worry, that this is probably a sign that there is someone better out there for her.


remind her, some guys like tall blondes, others like petite brunettes. there is nothing wrong with either, just a personal preference. tell her not to take it so personally.


many people get rejected only to meet "The One" soon after.


good luck- you are a good friend.

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well thats wht i did....im just so worried for her....she just got dumped a couple of weeks ago and the reason was that she was too clingy and she loved him too much...and recently she fell for another guy who doesnt like her ...so she keeps gettin shot down. Shes gone to sleep now and I was like i'll come over becuz thats wht me and a couple friends did when she got dumped....and she was just like ignoring me and i guess she was really angry about the whole situation right now....so I dont really blame her for not really payin attention to wht i said......

I liked a friend of hers and she didnt like me and we talked about that inbetween her two events and through all of this we have become really close. While i'm in this emotions feelings thing, is it normal for a guy to pour out his feelings and the girl pourin out hers to each other...a guy/girl bein best friends...like I've never been so close to a girl before, like friend-wise?

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tell her that its part of life. Happiness as well as pain are emotions humans will feel. Its not the end of the world and one day she will look back at this and think that her situation isn't so terrible. What if she dated this guy for 5 years...got married and had 4 children. Then one day this guy cheated on her and left her alone with 4 children. Now this person has it bad. She can start off clean with a brand new slate.

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I agree with bobo! definitely, better now than 5 years down the road.


maybe if she was "too clingy", encourage her to get over her recent heartbreaks by joining some kind of sport or group activity, where she can forget about her ex for a while....


good luck

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