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what do you think this means?

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So i saw that guyI've been asking about here on saturday. I called him after this party I went to at about 7pm (as planned) and he came over. we'd both eaten already. We decided to go for a walk by the beach. So we did that for about an hour or so, then we came back to my place and watched a movie. Hardly any touching took place at all throughout it...so at the end we kissed and he said he was going to leave. Last time we stayed in the same bed. I was feeling a little weird and i guess he could tell. He said that he didnt want me to think that all he was into was just hooking up with me...i said, is that all you think i'm into and he laughed and said no. We kept kissing...he had told me earlier in the night a little on the walk that he feels like i am confusing...i dont know how i have been. He said in terms of when we make plans he feels like i am...like i question whether we're still doing something, even though it's already been said that we have been.


So tonight before he left i got a little bold and told him outrihgt that i get confused as to whether he wants to see me again after each date. He was confused and said, really? i said, YES. He asked if it would make me feel more comfortable if we just went ahead and made plans for tuesday. I stupidly said, no! because i didnt want to seem annoying. He said he does want to see me again and if he didnt he would tell me...so that made me feel better. He then told me that i'm welcome to come hang out at his place after work whenever (i work close to where he lives) so he seemed surprised about my uncertainty....but i dont think he was that clear with me...i told him that he doenst seem to like to make plans, he said he thought it seemed clear that he wanted to see me again. Confusion! so i did want him to stay (ho that i am i guess) but he said he thought it would be best if he left. So i walked him out, and asked who would call who next. He said we are past that stage and it shouldnt matter. So i guess i am not going to worry about it. He said he'd see me soon. We kissed goodbye, several times. So i'm glad we talked about it...i wished he would have stayed...but the last time things got pretty hot and heavy, no sex...so maybe he was thinking that would happen again and it may have 'frustrated' him. So that's it...he said he likes me and wants to see me again. AFter 3 weeks and all this confusion i guess that's all i can ask for. I appreciated that he asked if it would make me more comfortable if we just set up a date now...but i didnt want to seem annoying...

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Why are you afraid of seeming annoying? He likes you, he's said so, and he wants to show you that he respects you by not hooking up with you "all the way"... I don't know, it looks like he's doing a lot in consideration of you, so maybe you should just take it how it seems and be confident in yourself that he likes you.


I mean, he's probably a little confused sometimes about whether you really do want to be hanging out with him, and you seem a little insecure about whether he wants to be hanging out with YOU, so I think that instead of just thinking too much into it, about whether he REALLY wants to be seeing you or not, you should just look at it how it appears. He's been hanging out with you a lot and seems to really respect you, so... I wouldn't start worrying about anything unless something worrysome actually happens. (I know, easier said than done, I know that if I was in your situation, I'd probably be worrying all the time, too.)

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i heard from him over e-mail...still no phone call, still no plans made. At the end of his first e-mail he said he hoped i wasnt mad that he didnt stay over sat night...i said i wasnt mad at all...we exchanged a few e-mails...then that was it...

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