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boys are so confusing, lol

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Ok so I found out he liked me. But this really sucks! See i like him back, i could totally go on a date qith him a few times and see if anything could happen. But here's the deal. We were at a little get together last night, all drinking, laying back just having fun right. Well turns out one of his best friends likes me. I had some what of a clue that he did, but I didn't think much of it cause he never acted on it. He's like one of the sweetest guys ever, I really care about him as a friend and could see myself liking him back. But I really like this other guy I posted about a few days ago more like that and the other more as just a friend. Well i asked the one I like to show me where the bathroom was (i was at his friends dads house and had never been there before, hehe) Well anyway he shows me and on the way he's all you know i do like you, and i was like oh really i like you too, well he goes on just to say that it doesn't really matter if he likes me or not cause his friend does and he doesn't want to put him down (not exact words but that's the basic gift of it). Well I was a little trashed so I didn't feel like talking about it too much so I gave him a hug and a kiss and said ok. But here's the thing, i can definitly see myself with his friend, but I want to be with him. I like him a lot. I don't know for sure how I can go about this with out upsetting someone. they are both my friends and I don't want to cause any put downs.

any input?



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I think the most important thing is for you to know just what you want. Make it clear to all parties involved what you want and dont want. If these two guys are good enough friends then there will not be a problem because hey they should be happy for the other one.


Make sure you know what you want(and cant be both)


----InaneCathode: I think your probably right about being in the US----

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