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While on a dinner date with someone,

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I would recommend "How to Succeed with Women" by Ron Louis and David Kopeland.


First of all - DO NOT GO ON A DINNER DATE - with someone you meet from the internet. If you *really* want to do something romantic, you may as well take her for a walk in the park near sunset, a walk near a lake, or out in nature somewhere then a stiff dinner date and best of all it's FREE.


If you are like me, and are on pins and needles about your first date, then I would just keep it to a 30 minute coffee date. Just explain to her, that you are a very busy guy and can only afford to spend 30-45 minutes of your time as you have some appointments lined up. Putting on an air of business will go very far in enhancing your display value to the girl.


Now for the actual coffee date - I can tell that you really need some help, so let me give you a chronology, and some lines to say that will enhance the romantic mood - sort of like a script, but first - make sure you have a few days grace to memorise what I will say - and practice saying it outloud to those you know so you can get confident. I can give you lines, but if you shy out of using them on your date, it's a waste of time. Ready? Ok, let's go. Before we start, let's cover a few basis to see if we are on cue here:


1) Find out what your date is interested in - is she intellectual, is she into something, know what her passion is, so you can structure the beginning of your date.


2) Bring a book, or any material that is related to her interest, directly or indirectly. Or, if you cant find one, bring an intelligent type of book that you know she'll like talking about, and pretend you are reading it when she comes in. She will *naturally* ask you about what you are reading, and you have an automatic conversation when she arrives.


3) KINO-touch - Direct her to her chair by putting your hand on her back, touch her arm occasionally when you are talking to her, stuff like that, always find at least five casual 'touch' opportunities during your date.


4) First 15 minutes of your date is WARM-UP, talking about neutral subjects of mutual interest and getting comfortable, see if you can crack a joke somewhere, but if you cant, just talk neutral.


5) If you are HAVING FUN, during the Warm-up, by all means continue until the 'fun' tapers off, or you start getting ackward - this can go on up to 30 minutes if you are really having fun. If you are not having fun, then just give the warm-up up to 15 minutes.




Use your PRINT button, and print this out:


MEMORISE WORD FOR WORD - and you will have a successful date -

bring up AT LEAST THREE OF THESE. If you fail to do this, you've wasted your time on the date:


- You know, I saw a TV show last ngiht where these two teenagers fell in love and were having their first kiss. It was so romantic, the way they felt drawn together, the chemistry slowly building until they had that romantic, passoinate first kiss. It got me thinking....I'd be curious, what was your first kiss like?



as a return line, she may ask you about your first kiss - I haven't experimented with this yet, but I think a good line is this when she asks this:


WHISPER AND SAY -- It's a secret, come closer - and whisper "Let me be brutally honest, I've never kissed anyone before , retract, SAY LOUDLY, "I HAD AN AMAZING FIRST KISS! " if you feel gutsy, otherwise, tell her about your first kiss, and if you never had one, I dont know what to say, I'm stuck, I had tat problem. >


- Do you remember the first time you fell in love? Everything seemed so fresh and new and amazing, remember? It was like that first time when you really understand that someone really likes you, just the way you are. If you don't mind me asking, what was that like for you?



- My friend Mary was telling me about the most romantic date she was ever on. It was amazing. Imagine this: you are out with a man you really like and find really attractive. You are sitting in this gorgeous outdoor restaurant, overlooking a lake. The autumn colours are just perfect. The air is fresh and smells so great, you feel like you don't even need to eat, just sit there and breathe that sweet air. Anyway, that's how she put it. And you have this incredible date as the sun goes down over the water, the stars come out and the moon rises, and the two of you feel so connected, so in love, you know what I mean? What would you say is your most romantic moment ever?


- I was having this discussion with my friend, and wonder what you think. Do you believe in love at first sight? Where you see someone and you just feel that 'click', and it's like even though you are meeting for the first-time, you feel like you've known him forever? Or does that feeling of attraction just build inside of you, slowly? Have either of these ever happened to you?


- Do you believe in destiny, like certain things or relationships are predestined to happen? I'm am sure you know the feeling when you see someone and you feel that 'click', and even though you are meeting for the first time, you feel like you've known him forever? Has that ever happened to you?


- My friend Suzy is falling in love. It's so fun to watch. She was telling me about meeting this man and feeling like she'd known him for all her life. Like she felt like 'Oh it's you' even though they had just met. Have you ever met someone and felt like you'd known him forever?


- I've been thnking how great it would be to take a vacation and asking people what they've done that they really loved. It's fascinating to hear about people's ideal vacation experiences. What is your absolute fantasy vacation?


- You know, it's interesting how different people feel special in different ways. I mean, it's like each person has his or her own code for feeling special, connected, and really loved. I'm curious; how do you know when a man really appreciates you?





1) first kiss line

2) fantasy vacation line.

3) man appreciates you line (last one).


The more you memorise the better it is, and the longer you can carry on,

here are two more styles to memorise

- love at first site lines

- first time you fell in love line.


If you are feeling really gutsy, you can recite the 'my friend Mary' line, and even whisper it when saying it so she gets really close to you.




I've tried this all on one date and it went well, I'm still trying to perfect kino-touch, winking and whispering during the PRIMING date form.


But the MAIN MOST IMPORTANT THING - is once you are done, making her laugh or talking about these romantic convo - CUT THE DATE AND RUN - you are busy, you have an appointment, get out of there.


You will get romantic insights from her from those questions on how to schedule the next date, and while you are with you - she will likely take the lead and suggest to you what she likes romantically, adn what she wants to do.


Follow this up with an email the following day and your set. Good luck.

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I've written a thread about this on another site, I'll post a link here,


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Big debate here on the use of MEMORISED LINE routines on dates.


Basically only Epsi routinely uses the PRIMING date concept of 'How to Succeed with Women', he claims he does on all his internet contacts and says it just works wonders, and gets allot of milage.

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BTW: The girl may do a cross-examine on you to see if it's not a memorised line, have these few repetoirs fixed:


1) What TV show did you look at? Say Degrassi : Next Generation or something like that, you know a popular teen show, and say you like looking at those now and then.


The other questions are rather not generic, but just make sure they fit everything. IF she asks you WHEN you talked with your friends - make sure it doesn't overlap with a time you said you were busy or something like that.


Anyway, don't worry about it - I only got crossed on the first-kiss question, where the girl asked what was the name of the TV show, and I had to answer fast.

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What about if you know the person and you are meeting in a one-on-one situation for dinner, wine is ordered, and the other person insists on paying and is all dressed up, and dropping hints about where they live, etc. Can you surmise that this must be a dinner date and he/she do not want things to end after dinner?

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stuff that Luke posted, just don't get too concerned with "OMG I failed my line number 544, my date's probably messed". Just relax, that's all you need. If you do all the things that were listed above, but you're not relaxing, it could go terribly wrong. But if you don't do any of that stuff that was listed and relax, you probably do pretty well (because you do things your own way, and do them right).. and if it doesn't naturally work, then there's no chemistry with you and your date in which case it's not a loss.


Better to be yourself and find someone who likes you, and not one who likes the game you're playing.

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It goes without saying, if you fumble up with the lines on the date, laugh if off and just jump to the core questions and ask them point-blanc - just make sure there is some romantic injection in the conversation. The question are very basic. Let's not confuse being 'street smart' or ' saavy' with game.


Whatever you do, do not get upset if you do not perfectly do those lines on your date.

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