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i was out with my boyfriend last night and some friends to celebrate canada day. we got really drunk and it was a ton of fun. something kinda bothered me; when he was drunk he was talking to this guy he knew and wa slike "your moms a milf shes fine" and all this. hes never talked about a woman like that when he is sober. and i guess i do realize obviously hes going to think other women are attractive, but i cant help but get jealous. then when i asked him about it this morning when he was sober he said he odenst think sehs attractive blah blah and i kept bothering hima bout it. i guess i just felt hurt..i know this is sooo lame. and it wasnt only this girl. he never says anything like "oh i want to do her" or anything liek that, just when hes drunk and around his friends theyll talk bout how attractive soem girl is, and he tries to hide it from me. is aynone thnk my feelings are normal, or am i totaly out of whack?

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Here's the equation to answer your question:


(Member of the male human species) + (Other members of male human species, a.k.a. "buddies") + (Liquid substance derived from fermented grain, vegetable, or fruit, a.k.a. "alcohol") = Conversion of male human to member of male animal species between horse and donkey, a.k.a. "Jack * * *"

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Hah, nice equation.


Friscodj is right, though. Alcohol messes with people's judgement and often alters their personalities and thereforeeee leads to them saying or doing stupid things that obviously sometimes hurt others. If he never talks that way about girls when he's sober, then that's good that he's respectful to you. There are a lot of guys who act the way your boyfriend did drunk, when they're sober.


I don't think you're out of whack. I would probably feel the same way if my boyfriend did that, even if he was drunk. I know you said that you mentioned it to him already, but I think that if this is really bothering you still, you should talk to him about it and describe exactly how it made you feel. That way if he knows how much it really upset you he'll probably be able to ease your mind about it.

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yaa for sure. other than this we have pretty much no problems. this isnt even a problem. i think other guys are hot, and im sure he thinks other girls are hot, obvoiusly, thats how humans are made..i just dont like it. it just hurts me to think of him thinking another woman is attractive. and yes hes very respectful to me and this is the only time this has happened. i guess just hearing him talk liek that about someoen else other than me makes me not feel too good. perhaps its because we are each others first evreything (wed only kissed other people before each other) hes even my first bf and im his first gf..i dont know. thanks for the advice you guys..


one question: now im worried that when im not there and hes drinking wtih his friends hes gonna talk about it, and perhaps do worse..as in maybe act upon it. i am almost positive im just being paranoid..but ive never really heard him talk like that before. im going camping on wednesday until sunday and im just worried that hell be doing anything inappropriate

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one question: now im worried that when im not there and hes drinking wtih his friends hes gonna talk about it, and perhaps do worse..as in maybe act upon it. i am almost positive im just being paranoid..but ive never really heard him talk like that before. im going camping on wednesday until sunday and im just worried that hell be doing anything inappropriate


I think you are being paranoid. Unless you start seeing real signs of this happening, like him acting weird, secretive, etc. don't worry about it...


And you might try telling him of your paranoia as well and see what he has to say about it...that might help...

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I don't think you should be alarmed by this. Boys will be boys when they're together, they talk about stupid things. He just made a mistake of saying it in front of you instead of when he's with his buddies. Aren't we women the same way? I'm already in a relationship, but it's always fun to talk about other guys when I'm just hanging out with the girls, I don't see any harm in that unless I actually act upon that.

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ya definetly. this all made me feel better. i know he only has eyes for me, and i know that hed never do it, i guess the paranoia is getting to me. i will for sure let him know how im feeling but i guess ill do it in a non nagging way. it was only one time that this happened, and i mean i talk about other guys in front of my girlfriends of course. i know its okay for him to do it when im not around, or at least to think it, it still bothers me though. i guess im just like jealous or something. its already going away. thanks guys

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im sure he thinks other girls are hot, obvoiusly, thats how humans are made..i just dont like it. it just hurts me to think of him thinking another woman is attractive.


Believe me, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I don't like the idea of my boyfriend thinking any other girl is attractive in the least bit either, and if he ever did (or admitted to it) it'd probably ruin me. But I guess you just have to try to realize that out of the millions of other girls in the world, he chose you to be his girlfriend for a reason, because he loves you and only you.


As far as you being paranoid, I think that once someone is introduced to a situation that they don't like (i.e. hearing your boyfriend say what he said when he was drunk), it's common for them to start overthinking things and coming up with all kinds of "what ifs" about the subject. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about unless he starts acting as if he's hiding something up his sleeve or starts acting suspicious, but like I said in my first post, just talk to him and explain to him what you're afraid of happening. Maybe suggest cutting down on the number of drinks he has so that he doesn't completely lose all sense of judgement, or ask him to make sure he adjusts his attitude (like fishrrshortae mentioned) or watches what he says or does (if possible) so that his actions aren't hurtful to you. Just talk to him and let him know all of your concerns and if he's as decent a guy as he seems to be when he's sober, he'll be understanding and reassure you that you have nothing to worry about.

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Here's the equation to answer your question:


(Member of the male human species) + (Other members of male human species, a.k.a. "buddies") + (Liquid substance derived from fermented grain, vegetable, or fruit, a.k.a. "alcohol") = Conversion of male human to member of male animal species between horse and donkey, a.k.a. "Jack * * *"



too funny !!!


let me ask you this frisco ~


what happens when you omit the alcohol variable from the equation???


i've know some members or the male species who can be complete jacka$$e$ in lieu of the fermented grain, vegetable, or fruit.


is it plausible that this is just some inexplicable aberration or abnormal deviation to your equation ?!?!? LMAO


again, too funny !!!

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thanks rock_chick! it made me feel better. yes i jsut got off the phone wtih him and he reassured me. i guess him thinking talking like that about other girls kinda made me feel insecure, especialyl thinking im not so attractive. but i talked to him and he reassured me and i feel so much better. and i asked him not to talk liek that around me, sober or drunk. and he says he didnt even remember it til i brought it up..so obvoiusly it didtn mean anything to him. i feel so stupid now for caring about something liek that. and yes there has never been anything suspicious..him being secretive or anything so i think i should just leave it be. thank you to everyone cos you guys really did make me feel better

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too funny !!!


let me ask you this frisco ~


what happens when you omit the alcohol variable from the equation???


i've know some members or the male species who can be complete jacka$$e$ in lieu of the fermented grain, vegetable, or fruit.


is it plausible that this is just some inexplicable aberration or abnormal deviation to your equation ?!?!? LMAO


again, too funny !!!


Good question, let me elaborate...


First subtract the alcohol from both sides of the original equation to yield (using abbreviations): MALE + BUDDIES = JACKA$$ - ALCOHOL


OK, so if there is no alcohol involved, that variable goes to zero so we are left with...




There you go...thank you for the applause...I'm here all week...

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oh, oh, i see... it's some sort of sophisticated mathematical formula or algorism if you will...


my you engineers are quite resourceful


but nonetheless, i am willing to concede will you answer


Male + Buddies = Jacka$$ Indeed ! LMAO

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oh, oh, i see... it's some sort of sophisticated mathematical formula or algorism if you will...


my you engineers are quite resourceful


but nonetheless, i am willing to concede will you answer


Male + Buddies = Jacka$$ Indeed ! LMAO


That's correct. MALE + BUDDIES =


image removed

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