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How to show that you love someone....

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Well, my boyfriend is a somewhat closed person and has trouble showing me that he loves me. But, that fact makes ME want to SHOW him I love him in ever possible way. So, what are some sweet, (maybe subtle or not so subtle) ways of achieving this? I don't want to be overly cliche or mushy but, i don't want to be emotionless either... I've tried writing him love letters every now and then, but....I run out of ways to express myself in writing. I'm also a poet, and would love to write him a poem... but... it might freak him out. . In advance, any comments are greatly appreciated!

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Hi Insomniac,


glad to see you want to do something nice for someone you love, nice to read...


I think for me showing love is done more in the way we treat our partners. Being honest, thoughtful, caring and open is the best way to show love (along with a few others...) But if you want to be romantic, then anything that comes to mind.


If you have expressed how you feel verbally, than any poem or letter would not freak him out. I think also just taking care of things is nice sometimes too....I guess that depends on his age...I used to get to my mans house early and make dinner, do his laundry and take care of things around the house just to be sweet. Other things you can do......Physical stuff like a massage, a foot rub......making plans to do things he really loves to do etc.


I think the key to romancing a man is doing it in a way that is meaninful to them, doing things THEY like...not doing things just because its what WE would want...


Best of luck

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Well yes some guys think blowjobs are showing your love (true) but not all of them. Make him a nice candlit dinner for 2. Maybe if you want to make love to him that night. In the moring tell him you think you love him. but try not to use thows words. because some times they get freaky on you.

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Give him small things that you know will make him happy. Like you know he likes to eat certain food, then get it or better still cook it for him. Or just drop a note to tell him that you love him very much. Little things, but it certainly touches the heart ina big way good luck!

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