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I once told my best friend about me hooking up with a guy after a night of heavy drinking and he has a girlfriend (they arent together anymore, and im not the reason she never found out) but we both hated ourselves for doing it and said we wouldnt say anything... a few of his close friends know and a 2 of mine know, one being my best friend. This happened this winter, and just recently she told his old roommate and still good friend. She should have never said anything becuase i trusted her with this information. I havent confronted her about it becuase i dont know what to say to her. Its going to be hard to break the friendship off becuase we work together as well. I have been blowing her off the past week. Im so upset that she betrayed my trust and i need to have a friend i can trust with information like that. What do i do? Beucause i dont need anyone like that, and i wouldnt have a problem talling her where to shove it if you know what i mean. Should i get all worked up over this or should i just keep blowing her off without explaination? Because in all reality, shes not even that much of a good friend.. She is selfish and closed minded. And im the total opposite. Im wondering if this is a sign that i should have tossed her a long time ago.... HELP!!!!!

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If you have such negative feelings for someone that is suppose to be your friend I'm not sure if she should be or not. I wouldn't just blow it off I would tell her what is on your mind. I'm not sure if you should do it if you are extremely angry, but if all you would say to her is the truth I don't see the problem in it.

She shouldn't have said anything, especially over something so important.

Has she done things like this before? if she has I would have to say that she isn't taking your feelings into consideration and that is a must in a friendship.

Just do what makes you happy, if not having her as a friend helps then do that. But I guess it's up to you to decide if it's that important or not.

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I've experienced a situation, which tested my friends. It really showed me who my real friends are. I've learned something through all of this. There are many levels of friendship.


There is the most intimate type the people who are closest in our lives. Our best friends. These people are privy too much of ourselves, as we are to them.


Then there are good friends who share a lot of common interests, who we get along with quite well and who we generally trust.


There are proximity friends. People who we get along with, who share similar interests, who we know through clubs, school, sports and what not. We party with them but rarely hang out individually.


Then there are just acquaintances. These are people that we know through other people. They are neutral in most regards. Neither for or against you. You associate with them because they are closer friends of your friends or what not.


Now what happened in your case is you believed that someone was one of your best friends you gave them trust and private information. However, they didn't view you in the same light. So they in a sense betrayed you. However, perhaps you misjudge them and assigned them a level of friendship they didn't really deserve. It hurts when we are wrong about someone.


You can remain friends with this person, but now you will realise that here place as a friend is not as high as it use to be. Simple as that. It's up to you if you wish to have them around. You have to learn to be careful who you place your trust in. (It appears you knew she wasn't the most positive friend in the world)


Good luck and trust your heart.

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