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I've had migraine since Friday. That day I asked my boss permission to skip my lunch hour and get off one hour earlier. Went straight to the drugstore for painkillers, then went home straight to bed.


Well, I've controlled it, but it hasn't gone since then. Yesterday it was specially bad, and today I've already called in sick because of it!


I really hate it! It is not like if I had a broken arm, that can be easily seen, other than yourself feeling like crap there are no external indicaitons of a person suffering migraine.


At this point things have been rough at work. Basically I work for an outsourcer, and the project I'm in hasn't had very good numbers this year, so we are at risk of having the project cancelled. As the management has been trying to improve the numbers, they have been firing lots of people, so I'm really in fear for my job. You know? I don't think it looks any good on my file to be calling in sick for "migraine", the sickness no one can have proof of!


Today I'm going to the Social Security doctor, I have to. Because of the work laws in this country, only Social Security can give you days off for sickness, a private doctor can't, so eventhough I know what to do (take my pills, stay in bed with lights off, etc) I have to get a recipe from a social security doctor.



Well, guess I'm just venting/ranting.

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Have you tried Acupuncture? I found it great for stress? Especially the deep tissue massage they did around my head.



Unfortunately, yes I did, with little success. My brother is a medicine doctor, and he made his specialty for acupunture (instead of something more traditional, like surgery, cardiology, etc)...


Yes, it works just like the painkillers, pain goes away. However, the migraine is still there and not cured. It is good as it helps keep my stomach healthier than with the pills.

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