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i am thinking of getting some, so far i have found these two:


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does anyone know which is best??


ive heard there are diff types: isolates, concentrates and mixes ( which release protein slower.) isolates have more protein and are used for morning and after workouts, isolates are more expensive, anyone know if they are actually better?


and is the gnc product an isolate?


anyone know be greatly appreciated!





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Well, they SAY isolates are bit better, depending on your goals, as it is more "pure". They are claimed to replenish your muscles sooner after a workout. Then you can also use the slower-release ones if you are building muscle as an extra boost during the daytime. I know bodybuilders whom use isolate after workout and the slow-releases before bedtime or when they wake up for example. I have been told that if you are going to be taking it after a workout, go with the isolate. Otherwise as extra dietary needs, go with concentrates.


Though...I found this that says there is little difference, so you decide what's best for you! I actually use both, depending on what I get on sale at the time. I see about the same results either way really.


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Your body can't digest use more than 20g-30g protein at a time for muscle rebuilding, so don't bother paying double for those that have 30-40g, that extra will just be wasted. Make sure you take the whey protein with carbs - like mix with some milk for example. This helps the delivery to the muscles.



I am not sure about that particular GNC product, it may be good to email/talk to them at the store about it.

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Hi RayKay,



Your body can't digest more than 20g protein at a time, so don't bother paying double for those that have 30-40g, that extra will just be wasted


Where did you hear this? I've done quite a bit of research on protein and supplements for body building, and this is new to me.


Not saying you're wrong, I've just never heard this before.

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Hi RayKay,


Where did you hear this? I've done quite a bit of research on protein and supplements for body building, and this is new to me.


Not saying you're wrong, I've just never heard this before.


I rephrased my post.


You can digest more than that, I just don't think it goes to muscle recovery/fuel if you do eat more than that. Should of clarified that!


After the protein is absorbed, it may be deaminated and turned into triglceride in your liver or it may be used as a substrate to produce glucose in glycolysis, but you will be actually digesting it.


I should of not used "digest" and used "to replenish & build muscles" instead. If you are heavier/male, this number may be more like 30g, sugarandspice is female so her number will be lower.


As for where I got this information from - several bodybuilding books and bodybuilders too.

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