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I've been so depressed lately. Whenever i'm alone the depression comes back and when i'm around people it just goes away. I need someone so bad and i don't have anybody to turn to. My bestfriend has a boyfriend and when i called her last night she didn't answer her phone..nor did she call me back and i don't have a boyfriend...i don't know what to do. Last night i was so alone and i thought of running away or even suicide but i know that's not the answer. I feel like nobody cares and the feeling never goes away. Any advice?


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Hi, I know what you are feeling like. I am alone here too. dont get yourself depressed over it, ok? Sometimes it is good to be alone, you discover a lot about yourself. I would suggest taking up a hobby. i like knitting and sewing cuz i can make my own clothes, and it makes time pass by sooo fast. you may also want to join a club, something like a dance class or pottery or something, cuz then u can meet other people who share the same interests as you.


Do you have anyone else you can turn to? Sometimes when girls get a new boyfriend they turn away from their friends, leaving them feeling left out. Can u talk to your parents, a sister or brother? Maybe even do some counselling if you feel the depression is that bad..

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Some times depression can hit real hard real fast, and can nock you over, but its just a feeling, your mind makes it, its there some would say to do us good but I dont see how yet. But it is part of us part of the color of feelings that range from Hate to love, Joy to sadness and thats what you feeling depression and loneness.


There is good news tho, as deep as you feel in a bad you can feel just as deep the other way, thats joy at a level just has powerfull. Im 40 and your 18 I have 22 years of Joy and Sadness on you and I must say when is bad its bad.

Lost loves, painfull brakeups, the deaths of loved ones, loss of hope and self warth. Deep deep pits of sadness.

But I would not change one moment of it,

for the highs,

OMY the highs are JOY of a kind I kind that only thows who have known the downs can really feel.


Sunsets over blue seas, The look of love in some ones eyes, doing the right thing, making art that others like. getting to a place you never felt you could.


JOY real JOY and its all there in thows 22 years, We here know how you feel, we have all been alone and lost in sadness.

some of us are there in the dark with you.


But many and there are many here are in the light, we will help if we can, talk to us we will try to shine even for moment some of that light your way.


I hope my words help


"Today is a good day"

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hi, i`ve dealt with depression and aloneness most of my life. i`ve decided to change things. if you`re not sure what to do with your spare time then just DO SOMETHING. preferably something involving close interaction with people. you won`t have to do all the the thinking. counseling and medication have been helpful to me.

you`re 18. there`s a tendency for young people to romanticize depression, sadness,heartache etc.. sometimes it turns into self-pity. try to "stand back" from your emotians once in a while .take stock of why you feel as you do. this might help you stop your feelings from pulling you into depression.

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hi, i`ve dealt with depression and aloneness most of my life. i`ve decided to change things. if you`re not sure what to do with your spare time then just DO SOMETHING. preferably something involving close interaction with people. you won`t have to do all the the thinking. counseling and medication have been helpful to me.

you`re 18. there`s a tendency for young people to romanticize depression, sadness,heartache etc.. sometimes it turns into self-pity. try to "stand back" from your emotians once in a while .take stock of why you feel as you do. this might help you stop you`re feelings from pulling you into depression.


100% right


As Ferris Bueller put it so well


"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it"

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