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the girl im with i dont know if it shyness or what. but it seems like i always have to make the first move for EVERYTHING. ex/ she only says she misses me if i say it first, or she'll only kiss my cheek if i do it first, etc

is that normal? im not really sure.. but it sure does drive me insane thinking about it! what does everyone think?

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Some girls are nervous about making the first moves because of fear of rejection. I know this has affected me before and I know heaps of girls that feel the same way. Just make sure you make her feel comfortable, and make sure you tell her how much you like her

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Yeah, I went out with a girl who was the same way. She was...the exact same way, she'd never lean in first, kiss without me kissing her, or...anything. Even after a long time, it was still that way, so...I had to ask what was up...because the girl before I had gone out with, if she wanted to kiss me, she would(plus if a girl is the one making the moves from time to time, it's pretty hot, it's a big turn-on).


So I had her over, and asked her why she would never kiss first etc...and she said she didn't really know why, she just wasn't used to it, every guy she had been with before always kissed first. So me thinking that was it, I told her it was okay for her to kiss me whenever she felt like it, it feels better to know you're not the ONLY one that wants to kiss...because I could never tell if she REALLY wanted to kiss me..or was just "going along" with it. So I had her, on my lap, and told her, I wanted her to kiss me...she STILL would not do it, it took me about 15 mins to convince her and finally she leaned in and made the first move...and I'm completely serious. She was really THAT shy about it. I don't know...her and I never really went anywhere, just thought I'd share, some girls are just that shy... (except when they're drunk lol...she did really come on to me one time at a party)...eh emmm


It's cool though, after a bit of time, she should become more comfortable with you and she'll do as she pleases...watch, in a few months you'll be posting something like "how do I slow her down?" j/k

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