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mixed signals..

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I met this guy robert a lil while ago when i was dating one of his friends(mark). well, me n his friend broke up long time ago and last night me and robert hung out for the first time since i have been single. Ive always had a little crush on robert i dont know if its the fact that he has all his stuff together like a job and a car and hes living on his own or that hes incredibly gorgeous. but anyway me and him were flirting well, at least i was flirting with him. we got in the pool at like 12 at night just me and him and talked at the deep end near the light the whole time about meaningless stuff and i was kinda complaining about having no menthol cig. so when we went to the store he bought me sum.. how sweet and like he was just a gentleman and every way. he opened my door for me when i got in the car and closed it for me....the thing is all of this was great but he just seemed like so distant. he seemed like he didnt really wanna do it but he did..it was so weird. total mixed signals. he seemed happy to be with me but he just didnt seem to be as into me and i am into him.. maybe this is cuz i dated his friend?...maybe, maybe not.. i dont know what to do. should i go for him even tho hes givin these mixed signals or should i just get on with it.. cuz his friend (mark) wants me back and all this stuff...i really dont know...

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Hi! I think there could be several reasons why Robert is giving you mixed signals:


1) He doesn't want to get involved in a relationship with you as you dated his friend. Most guys see their friend's ex-girlfriends as a no-go area as it could wreck their friendship. I think it's safe to say most guys would say that they wouldn't like their friends to date their exes.


2) He's being distant with you because he knows his friend wants to get back with you and he doesn't want to cut in on his friend and mess things up for him.


3) He might think it's plain weird to date a friend's ex. I mean all the physical stuff you did with your ex boyfriend might make him feel funny about doing the same with you...and it just doesn't work for him.


I'd say if he does like you he's trying really hard to hide it. It doesn't sound like he is interested in a relationship with you. Are you sure he isn't just being friendly? Are you reading mixed signals from him cos you like him and are picking up on things he's doing which you think might indicate he likes you back?!?


At the moment it honestly looks like he's more concerned about keeping his friend. I'm not saying the guy doesn't like you - maybe he just doesn't want to get involved with you cos of the hassle it will cause with his friend.


I've been in a similar situation with my ex's friend. I told him I liked him but he told me he only had platonic feelings for me. But I know that he wasn't being entirely honest - since then friends have told me he really did like me back and besides I kinda knew cos we had great chemistry together, we flirted lots and he still talks about me with my ex. He would never do anything to hurt his friend and chose his friend over me. I was really confused and hurt by his mixed signals for a while but I'm kinda over it. It sux that we can't be together but I accept that it's difficult for him and he doesn't want to lose his friend and I respect that. I wouldn't want to be the reason he lost a good friend.


Hope this helped in some way!

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Well hell most men today can be worse then some women now a days. I think if your ex see you with his friend that he'll cry like a baby. (That has been my expreance with men). By the time that he's done crying he'll want to fight his friend. Well they have to show there MANLY side too. Don't worry your ex will get over it.

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