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last question..just to make sure of it

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ok well lately i think the girl ive been talking about before is starting to flirt with me more. i did say she might have liked her ex again but now i dont rly think she does...casue she hasnt talked about him in a while...so anyways i just wanted to know wat u think these signs would mean..if she liked me


just last night..we were talking on aim..and she wanted me to stay on becasue she was lonely..so i said ok....i was originally going to bed at 1130...but i stayed up til 330 for her... the more tired i got..the more romantic? the things i said were getting...because i got "awww *my name*" or "aww ur so cute" or " ur adorable"..she kept saying how i lvoe her like...your doing this becasue u love me right..and i was like suree...around liek 1 in the morning i was like lets play a game...i was like just guess the missing letter in the sentence... "i need to go catch some _____" and z was the answer..but she wasa like no how about u play my game..how about u take off all ur clothes and run to me...lol so thats that..she aloso told me "ii got a secret for u...ur bangingg hot"..and so finally when she agreed for a time she would get off... she was like ok but tomorrow u have to give me a hug..but i want u to run to me" and im like why ur the evil one whos making me stay up for u u should hug me..and she jokes aropund and was like ill give u a high 5....so ya i just wanted to know wat u guys think

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Sounds kind of childish. If she is talking to some other guy she could be just trying to be nice to you so she pulls you in unless the other relationship doesn't work out. You did exactly what she wanted you to do and gave her some control, and all she did was complement you. You have to watch for her actions because words don't mean anything, anyone can flirt. Yea it does look good for you right now but be cautious because she could be just trying to use you as a back up plan.

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Sounds kind of childish.

I agree.


You should be cautious. She obviously likes you and thinks you're.. "banging hot", but it's kind of sketchy that she would act that way towards you, if she really did like you. Unless she was drunk. I don't know. But definitely be cautious.

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