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still no luck.....

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Well its been about a month and still no luck meeting any friends. Its already almost time for my other friends to leave but im ok with almost all of them leaving because most of them weren't real friends anyways. I wish I was more socially active but since non of my past friends have ever been we have never done anything. They'd just prefer to sit around at home and I really don't want that. Sigh, summer hasn't been as great as I planned. I wish I'd just meet someone.

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I'm pretty much in your same boat... all my friends graduated from college at the same time and moved away... so it's been kinda * * * *ty. I've been reading this book written in 1931 and it's actually been surprisingly good... so since you are sitting around doing nothing what do ya have to lose .



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hey lonelyguy hows it hanging?


People come and go in life, although i don't think it will neccessarily be the end of you and your college mates, im sure they will come and go back your place every now and then.


Either way, staying at home watching tv, reading books and even being on this website will not help your cause. Those college mates are going places, meeting new people and gaining some new experiences, and now is the time for you to do so as well.


You've said you've tried to meet people and had no luck. No worries, at least your trying, and when you keep trying you will eventually get somewhere or thereabouts. Infact the harder you try, he more success you will get.


First suggestion i can make is to get a job somewhere. Anywhere will do. Not only are you going to get paid, your going to meet new mates in the form of your work colleagues, and you will get to meet tons of new people in the form of customers. You will most probably meet loads peole from around your area, young and old, and it would give you a stepping stone in becoming socially active.


Secondly find clubs and societies in your area that are dedicated to things you consider your hobbies or a passion. You will meet like people who you will most probably feel like you've known for years, and you will be doing things that you love and enjoy.


You've got to build on from there. Get numbers and connections, hang out with them, and meet their mates and get their numbers, and hang out with them, and before you know it, you will be as socially active as you could ever dream of being.


All this is easier said then done. After all, talk is cheap. But as soon as you worki towards it and start noticing the rewards, it will be one the most satisfying feelings you will ever have.


Good luck!!

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Is there anywhere you can go to meet people? If you don't have friends yet, than you can still make plenty of them! Maybe go to a club or do an activity that you like. Summer doesn't have to end bad, and you can always think of different places to go meet friends. Good luck.

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