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So lately, my bf's been fingering me. And well, when he uses like, I don't know, 2 or 3 fingers and goes in pretty far, it feels really good. So is he stimulating my g-spot?? Also sometimes it hurts or I get sore and I wanted to know is it possible that he's hitting my cervix because I'm not sure if someone's fingers could actually reach that far...?

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The g-spot is commonly understood to be on the spongy area just inside the vagina, if you make a hooking action with your finger it is around there. It is entirely possibly he's stimulating it.


And it is also entirely possible that he is hitting your cervix. The vagina is not actually so deep that you can get lost down there and cervical orgasms are very possible.


Ask him, he'll be able to tell you if he's hitting something.

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Well at certain times of the month the cervix with be low and closed, mainly before and after ovulation so it is extremely possible to reach it. As part of NFP, cervical position is part of the charting process and many women are able to check themselves.


I asked my husband what he could feel and he was able to describe the "doghnut" shape so it's possible. If your boyfriend is hitting this it does hurt a little, but shouldn't be overly painful. Just discretely ask him to go a little gentler

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The analogy I make with my girlfriend's g-spot is this... It's almost like reaching to the back of your throat and rubbing your uvula... Just with the vagina, it's much closer to the entrance and the uvula is much bigger.


Lol, I've never heard the "doughnut" description before.

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