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Counselling – how it looks like?

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People often advise counselling to solve the problems.

I am very sceptical of it.

It sounds to me (from the people I talked to who went to counselling) that you just go there to talk, just to vent a bit and is pretty much useless.


Can anyone who had those sessions tell me what is really happening there?


What do you do exactly, how does it work and is it really helpful?


Any comments appreciated.

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Depends on the nature of the problem.

You'd be surprised how beneficial it can be to just have a vent to someone, without feeling like you have to hold back, or feel guilty about what your talking about, or simply talking.

A councillor listens, and gives rational advice on how to help the situation, or ease past pain. I've had alot of councilling, and for me it didn't do the trick. For people with depression, unless there is a specific reason they are depressed, I would say that usually councilling doesn't do the job.

I think some people overestimate counselling. When there is a behavioural problem (A phobia, self harm etc) a councilor can't help. For anything that affects how you act, or an on going problem, I would say a more 'in depth' therapy would work better.

It's different for everyone though, I'm sure there are cases where I'm wrong!

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Counseling can be very, very, beneficial. It primarily depends on two factors...


1.) How receptive you are too it...


2.) The quality of the counselor...


I attend counseling sessions once a month, and it has helped to change my entire outlook on life.


Counselors not only allow you to vent your problems; but they also offer you constructive criticism and advice about WHY you are having those same problems.

Furthermore, they offer you their time sans judgement. Sometimes, you do really need to let off some steam...But you know how people are in real life. Every person off the streets believes that he or she is a teacher. And the moment you do bare your soul they are there to rip you to shreds about what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T be doing...

a trained professional is completely the opposite(in my cases).


Alot of times you do need that outside opinion from someone who is skilled and does not know you...


I really don't attend sessions that much because I already know my issues, and I am working on them...But there are those who do need intervention to keep from harming themselves and others. That is what counselors are there for.

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My friend just told me that she's been seeing a therapist because of some stuff that has happened to her in the past. Basically what she told me is that she vents out her problems and the therapist will work with her to figure out why she's feeling the way she does and steer her towards the direction of coming up with a solution to get better. She doesn't tell you what YOU need to do, she makes you come up the solution yourelf. My other friend (who has a psychology major) once told me that it can either be really helpful, or it can do nothing at all. I think it all varies with your counselor and how much you're willing to take in.

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