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I met this really cool guy. We had everything in common. I knew him for about a year and then he moved to california. We started a long distance relationship when i was in 7th grade. I absolutely love him to death. When we broke up I was so crushed. We stopped talking for about a year and now that we're talking again Im starting to get attached like i was before. We plan to hang out next summer, when he comes down but Im so afraid that hes going to find someone else. I know hes the one I want to be with. I dont know how Im gonna deal with him being with someone else. Is there a way to keep him so interested he doesnt want a relationship with anyone else?

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Unfortunately no there isn't. Long distant relationships are very hard. Almost impossible for young people. Maybe in time you too will be together, but now it's not a real possibility. Why not enjoy what time you have together, enjoy the friendship and don't expect too much. Maybe years down the road your situation will be different.


I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but I'm not in the business of lying. Every day you spend thinking about this guy accross the country is a day you miss out on an opportunity with someone near you. You have to date people and learn experiences so that when you find the one you can truly give them everything you have. So date other people, let him date others as well... Learn, make mistakes so that some day, maybe... You two will have a real shot.


Good luck, and always be true to you.

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Dont worry about him moving on until it happens he might feel the same way about you. As long as you stay close chances are good of a "reunion of your love" at summer time. And maybe it wont happen this summer or next summer it might happen in a few years. If you feel that you have lost your soul mate if its meant to be somehow they will enter your life again. Dont worry, just have fun being single for the time being. A way to let him know is to send him cute cards with nice messages in them or something like that. Good Luck, I hope the summer will be everything you have dreamed of.

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If you try hard all the time to keep him interested, you will eventually burn yourself out. Relationships do need work put into them to make them last but it should be fun. Be yourself and if that doesn't keep him around than it is best for him to go, so just be your true self. Hope this helps.

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