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Blowjobs and boobs

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okay, i have two questions.. they're sorta weird, LOL.


Allright. First of all.. giving head. I've come to the realisation that even though I love giving my BF head, I suck (sorry, bad word, but its the only one I can think of) at it. I have no idea what to do.


I know there was an awesome "tutorial"(?? haha) by dragongirl or someone on how to give head... its good, but it doesnt explain what i'm sort of wondering.. like, what do you do with your tongue? Do you just swirl it in circles around the head, or flick that little sensitive part underneath the head, what?? What are some "techniques" that make it good? Sometimes I feel like my bfs 'package' is too big for my mouth, too... he isnt exactly big (he's average, i think) but I think my mouth is just too small... or I dont know how to make it "sit" in my mouth. arr this question is so weird. lol.


And then, boobs.. I know I enjoy it when my guy kisses my breasts/nipples and squeezes/plays with them, but do guys get any enjoyment out of doing that too, or do they just do it because we like it so much?


I know, weird questions, and the answers are probably so obvious... I feel so naive. lol.

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Hahaha, oh well, thats a relief XD


But you're a guy.. you should be the one who can say what feels good!! haha.


well, I dunno.. I was watching big brother uncut once and this bi guy was like, the only people who know how to give good BJs are guys!! LOL. Wonder if thats true.....

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Hi Kitz,


Nothing embarrassing here.


Do not worry, good lovers enjoy to please each other. Sharing giving is a great experience. Making each other feel good is what counts.


Many men enjoy caressing and kissing breasts, neck, belly, thigs and vagina, even feet.


Some like everything and more, so about what feels best, you could communicate and experiment. I do not want to give you graphical descriptions here. Technically, the head of the penis is sensitive to stimulation, the underside of the head more so. Stimulating the underside of the scrotum (gently, do not squeeze the testicles!) all the way to the anus is also enjoyed by most men.


You also could browse threads in this forum.


Research, communicate, try and enjoy

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Thanks for that!


I have asked my BF what he likes.. except i'm the first girl to give him a BJ and he's the first guy i've ever given head to, so we have a bit of a problem there. He can't really tell me what feels good except if I do something and he's like "oh, that feels good!" Except i've run out of ideas of things to do and I can't just rely on what I know does feel good forever. Lol.


Uh, also trying to not get too graphical here.. is it ok to sort of like, uh... be giving him a "handjob" except stimulating the 'head' with my mouth, or am I meant to do it all with my mouth?

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Thanks for that!


I have asked my BF what he likes.. except i'm the first girl to give him a BJ and he's the first guy i've ever given head to, so we have a bit of a problem there. He can't really tell me what feels good except if I do something new and he's like "oh, that feels GOOD!" Except i'm running out of ideas of things to do. Lol.


Running out of ideas already? Take it easy, study and experiment more.


And patience, patience, you have the better part of the century ahead of you

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Thanks for that!


Uh, also trying to not get too graphical here.. is it ok to sort of like, uh... be giving him a "handjob" except stimulating the 'head' with my mouth, or am I meant to do it all with my mouth?


To get him off you want to gently squeeze his head between your tongue and gums, keeping your teeth out of the way, while sliding back and forth. Sucking a little helps. He does not have to go too deep or you suffocate.


Hope that helps

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Ever since the age of 4, my goal in life was to touch a boob (haha, yeah, what a messed up kid I am). After 13 years of waiting, caressing and massaging boobs are finally available to me, and not just a boob-graze or anything. Yeah, kissing and other types of foreplay kinda overshadow them, but I mean most of us have been waiting a while to get at those lovely lady lumps.

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