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Don't do it please! We are all here for you! Believe me it will only make you feel worse, get out and do something to keep your mind off of it! I know it's hard my ex only lives 4 blocks from me and I could easily just drive or walk over and break NC, would it make me feel better? Would it do any good? No, we are not together for a reason, even though it's painful it's for the best. Please don't break NC for your sake, and don't give him an ego boost!

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Why shouldn't I tell him I still love him, and seeing him with the new gf is too hard. He tried to say hello with her around..and I ignore him....


Is ignoring him going to make him wonder....


Is being aloof going to let him know I am still in love with him....


If he sees me with another guy will that do the trick?


Seriously, will doing those things make him interested, or will he think I am over it....


How do I do this...

How can I get him to want me back....


Is that possible, or is it just something that will never happen?

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my way of thinking just as other posters...you broke up for a reason ( but i have a side to add to that) I also think that if you are meant to get back together...you will...so move on with life if you are meant to be with him...in the end you will be... I know its hard trust me...I moved on and 6 months later...he came back.

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The first step to getting over this is accpeting the fact it is over. You are doing nothing more than playing games here, with yourself...


He's gone...with someone else...and talking to you which you ignore...which tells me this is bothering you a lot more than it is him...


Sorry to be so blunt but I think you need to hear it to snap out of the trance you're in. He doesn't want to be with you. If he did, he would. So stop obsessing over the illusion of getting back together and start healing and living your life so you'll be ready for the right guy when he comes along!

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sometimes being blunt helps...


I would say that it does bother me alot that he would walk up to me with his new gf in tow and say hello....I think I could handle seeing him without her...


right now I would honestly say that I am not over this....and I don't think I will ever be over it....maybe I will be able to move on with it....BAGGAGE!


I don't know what I want... I didn't break my NC which was extremely hard....


But all the advice makes complete sense...I have to live and let it go...


But I don't think letting go means I have to ever be over him, or "cordia"l to him. Right now I am neutral....not overly nice and not overly rude.. I do sort of wave and barely make eye contact....


I have been keeping busy...and that helps....

Nursing school will keep me busy....and helping people feel better...

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