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very soon we will know! im so scared...

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well tomorow we apply for a visa. for those who havn't read the 10 other posts by me over the past 6 months....ive been in a long distance relationship for 7 months now ..before that i lived with my b/f where he lives for 6 months. and before that we lived together in my country...anyway these past months since i last saw my b/f over 6 months ago has been the hardest time in my life and his life. especially since 2 months ago wen we applied for a visa he got rejected....

so tomorow we are applying again and we made the visa the best this time put in ALL THE info we needed and payed 500 bux to a lawyer to help us, so if it doesn't work this time...we really really tried everything.

today we spoke.......and tried to consider the fact that he may not get the visa despite all the effort we have put in because immigration are simply unpredictable! and then the only time we will be able to see each other is if i go to visit him at the end of the year (he has to apply for a visa to come to where i live and i dont need a visa to visit him)...

we both decided that it would honustly be much to hard for us to stay together another 6 months until we can see each other....and although while i write this ... my heart hurts sooo muchhhh (constantly feels like this when i think about not being able to see him ...)

i feel like i never ever got to even say goodbye...i mean when we last saw each other we thought we would be able to see each other only a few months later.....but it never happened...and i stil love him exactly the same since 6 months ago.

i guess if he doesn't get the visa its a sign or something....

anyway il let u guys know what happens and if he gets the visa..i shouldn't even be upset yet i know i should stay positive until we know the result but i guess maybe subconsciously im preparing myself for the worst ...

thanks to all for all your support over this past 6 months and...i hope i wont be posting here again and i will finally be able to see the person i love the most in the world...if not....im gona be one sad girl

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Good luck. Try not to worry about it too much. It's not like you can do anything right now, all you can do is wait. You'll find out soon. I'm sure he feels the same way as you do. Maybe even worse cause he's the one who can't get a visa.

You said that he waited 2 moths since he last applied? I think I read somewhere that it's recommended to wait a year, but anyways. I hope that everything will be alright and you'll get to see him soon.


I was in a similar situation. I'm from Czech Republic and I was the one who had to get the visa to see my bf. And we actually waited a year to see each other once and I know what you mean when you say it's hard. It's not easy but then when you get to see each other you can really appreciate it, while some ppl don't even think about it.


Please let us know if your bf got the visa? I hope he will! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

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How old is your bf? What kind of job is he having?


If he is a person of high qualification (with a master or PHD)or have occupation that is shortage in Australia, he could consider getting in job in Australia. His employer would apply permit for him and it would help close the long distance gap.


Good luck to both of you.

My LDR bf is in UK. Now, I am working and studying part time to obtain higher qualification and gain working experience, so that I could get a job in the uk.

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