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Hello everyone-

how can u tell if a girl is bisexual or lesbian? why do i ask? my friend seems to be one of the 2. i know her family is really mesed up and shes kinda lost and feeling alone...but i dont knoe if that has anything 2 do with it. how can i tell if she is or not, cuz im sick of wondering. if anyone has ANYTHING tosay, pleaaaassseeee reply. thanks


p.s. thanks for always bringing e good advice this site is relally cool

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i totally agree with grace, but why don't you ask her? are you afraid she could have feelings for you? would that be bad?

i think it is hard to put someone into the categories straight, bi, lesbian. has she never felt attracted to guys? has she been attracted to one girl, or more? did she ever fall in löove with a girl or a boy?

so, you see, a lot of questions.

but what does really bother you? that she might be in love with you or not?

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