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I don't know if many of you remember me, but I posted a story with the title "6 months, lesser time" in this same section. I guess it turns out my gf has so much stuff going on right now that she said it's best if she gets time to herself, presumably to let things blow over. Please read my other post in this section first and then give me an honest opinion.

She understands that I may not want to get back with her if she comes back to me in the near future. My question is, what do you think I should do at this point?



Heartbroken in Clinton Township, Michigan



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From reading both posts, it sounds to me like she is a very busy person. I hope this doesn't come accross harsh, but it also seems that being in the relationship has caused a lot of added pressure to her already busy life. The benefits of your relationship might not outweigh the costs for her (i.e. she likely cares about you- but it's not worth the hassle of always having to explain her time constraints to you or getting into fights over a 6 month anniversary)


As a result, she may have decided that the best option for her right now is to be alone, because she does not have the time and energy to be in a relationship, or offer you the time you demand.


That's what I got from it. I don't know you or her, or your relationship- but I can only offer my perspective that if you are a busy person and you have to work a lot, the last thing you want is added stress or drama in life from a partner that demands your time, and gets upset/cranky if you simply don't have the time to give.



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